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Gwen, your videos, totally fabulous0 Thank you for all of the time, effort, inspiration and creativity! Your Journal, magnificent!!
I do believe this IS what the world needs now,along with Love sweet Love!
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2017 on Happiness in 64 Colors at Gwen
Jill, I am absolutely blown away by your wall hanging! This is so gorgeous! I LOVE the color play and your design and omgoodness, everything about this is fabulous! How long did this take you?? I am so glad you showed us up close photos of your work,very involved and very cool! The only bad thing is, I might want to try this hooking thing now-geesh! like I don';t have enough on my platter! LOL Gorgeous work my art sister! Jackie ")
Oh My Gorgeousness!! This hanging is outstanding! The color play and design, absolutely stunning! Great piece from Jill,heading over to see more! Jackie ")
Such a cool canvas from Sandee! Off to her blog to read more!
Huge Congratulations Gwen!! These new Christmas stencils absolutely rock! And I have my very own!! woo hoo!!Thank you! I have to tell you, the first morning I sat here and looked at these pieces I was overwhelmed with excitement of the designs you created and the inspiration I was receiving to create some of my own! I may have to "borrow" that banner idea! And now again this morn, I can't wait to get into my studio to play! The cardinal card is delicious! The richness of your colors and that background- stunning! I thought that you had carved out the spot for the bird until I looked closer, the dimension you have on that piece is incredible- love the embossing!! Your dear Santa page is darling,might have to borrow that as well! lol and that banner, I just love it, as you probably guessed! The layered flowers,and your letters- oh how I love your artwork! Your last page, again with your layering is spot on beautiful! Such a great design with these stencils-I love layers! Absolutely inspiring post- thank you! Jackie ")
Toggle Commented Oct 10, 2017 on Introducing... Two New Christmas Stencils! at Gwen
WOW and WOW and WOW!!! I have been hopping this morning to each of the Friday Artist Tribe's posts and I have to say, each gal has their own unique style and designs and the way they incorporate your fabulous products is remarkable Gwen!! What a wonderful hop this has been and being able to peek into everyone's world is so cool-I loved learning a bit more about my Tribe Sisters! Great hop, great inspiration, great products and super great artwork! Thank you Gwen for putting this together! Jackie ")
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2017 on Blog Hop with The Artist Tribe Day 2 at Gwen
Jill, I absolutely loved reading your post!Learning a bit more about my tribe sister has given me a bit of insight into your "obsessive" world, and I'm right there with you sis! heehee I am absolutely enamored with your artwork of peacocks! I can feel the love you have for this bird and Gwen's Peacock Stencil in each of those pieces above! Truly stunning! I did find myself saying- Akkk! How could she step on that beautiful peacock when I learned it was a bathmat! LOL It is just Gorgeous- the color and design- YUM!! Each piece is so Jill and this last one with the shrine from Gwen's Deco stencil - wow! outstanding!! I love how your imagination works,my artist Tribe sister! hugs,Jackie
Gwen, Your atc's are exquisite!! As I first looked at these I thought holy moly , they must have taken her days! Then to read only an hour, and to see your steps- WOW! I mean, these are so incredibly beautiful, so rich in color and design! Lynda's wall hanging is glorious! Can't wait to see what the other Tribe sisters create! Jackie
Toggle Commented Sep 28, 2017 on Artist Tribe Blog Hop - Making ATCs! at Gwen
Hello! Thanks so much for this fun filled fantabulously generous giveaway! I have tweeted,instagrammed, commented, subscribed,shared,liked and yes pinned Keeping my fingers & toes crossed! Jackie
Gorgeous Purplishous!!! Jackie ")
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Apr 30, 2017