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Perhaps your brand of courage means that innocent people should be ready to get their heads blown off to turn someone in, but that's not the conventional understanding of courage. Real courage would be for political leaders here to stop the guns and drug demand from up north. Maybe you'll feel sympathy for Americans when the violence migrates north because we only fueled it and did nothing to stop it. Both the problem and the solution start here.
(re: my comment above, typo - "desafortunadamente.")
Colombia, Ciudad Juárez, narco-terror....
Historically, Colombians experienced the worst era of narco-terror during the ‘80s, when car bombs exploded everywhere in different cities, from police headquarters to public buildings and public streets. The strategy was widely used by Pablo Escobar Gaviria, head of the Cartel de Medellin, aft...
When I read about the car bomb yesterday, I was thinking that, disafortunadamente, if we hadn't yet hit the "big time" with thousands of murders the past few years, this certainly qualifies as terrorism right next door.
Colombia, Ciudad Juárez, narco-terror....
Historically, Colombians experienced the worst era of narco-terror during the ‘80s, when car bombs exploded everywhere in different cities, from police headquarters to public buildings and public streets. The strategy was widely used by Pablo Escobar Gaviria, head of the Cartel de Medellin, aft...
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Jul 16, 2010
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