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Pony Trot
Recent Activity
Back in the (make-shift) studio
I have had a lot of time of my hands over the past few weeks, so have dusted off the sewing machine & rooted out my suitcase of vintage fabrics & have made some cushion covers to breathe live into the old ones. It's so nice to finally start doing something creative now, maybe it's my nesting instinct now little sparrow legs is the way. I also have my first ever photoshoot next week, which I am really excited about but also slightly nervous as to how I'll look in 'fashion mode', but hoping looks of good things will come... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2009 at Pony Trot
Vintage Dressing-Up Box Heaven
Hello lovely people, Well today I had my first afternoon at Sue Ryder charity shop volunteering & my, what a fun filled afternoon I had! Was shown to the top of the stairs to a room filled to the brim of vintage goodies including patterned dresses, adorable nautical bikinis, pork pie hats of various colours & materials & old packets of Pretty Polly tights & Royal commemorative tea plates! And what was I instructed to do by the lovely Karen? "Sort it out, we are putting you in charge of setting up our vintage/retro section of the shop" errr, yes... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2009 at Pony Trot
Hi! I like your blog, I'm new to all of this but excited to make new friends & you seem like a very cool mum!
Lists :: Books I love ::
I don't think I can do a top 10 as I wouldn't be able to rank them in an order but I will list some of my favourites. I have found in the last few years I read mostly non-fiction. I love autobiographies/biographies and am hugely passionate about children's fiction. :: Books I love :: The ...
I went to San Fran a few times with work at Virgin Atlantic, always fun trips. Would love to come back in the next few years because I never did the Golden gate Bridge or Alcatraz! Silly me was too busy buying crap in Japan Town lol.
all aboard
If you're new to the love-song, here's a primer: I use this space as a place to exercise my creativity. Once upon a time, I used to write a lot of more personal posts, but that's been more on my tumblog. A few fave posts of mine are: 10 Things About San Francisco, and a story about finding a hom...
Pony Trot is now following Happysmileyfacegirl
Sep 16, 2009
So many blogs...
I have signed up for a trial on typepad after being inspired by Alicia's 'Pozy Gets Cozy'. So here I am! My name is Kate, 25 years old, ex-air stewardess (as of last week) & budding textile entrepreneur. I have started blogging to meet new people who share my passions & regal you with stories of my life I hope you will find mildly amusing in some way. I live in a beautiful deck-house on stilts in a little fishing village in Hampshire, England with my lovely husband. Off to apply for a part-time waitressing job in a cute little... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2009 at Pony Trot
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