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Preach! The last thing we want is the Fresno Magazine types to get *ANY* say in the revitalization of downtown. Feckless idle quasi-rich debutantes desiring faux Rodeo Drives bookending a town that can't afford to shop at them. What they always forget is that once the kickbacks and evaded taxes evaporate, so do those cutesy boutiques they so love, because there aren't enough moronic rich types to keep their doors open and employees paid.
Soon enough River Park will be the Sierra Vista Mall without a ceiling and they'll build another Mega Mall off of Copper so they can continue to shop away from the "homeless" and "gangsters". While the city happily doles out "incentives" to ruin more arable farmland in our sprawl.
Downtown Fresno Moves On With Or Without The Occasional Ignorant Fresnan
Not sure which can be worse, a comments section or a general Facebook post comments section. Over the weekend it was Facebook, with a simple question on ABC 30's page "What would you like to see done to Downtown Fresno?" Of course this question brings out the free/more parking peop...
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Dec 1, 2010
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