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Walking that fine line between creative and certifiable.
Recent Activity
Wise, as ever.
change, inevitably :: menopause
The kangaroo startled me as he turned on his tail and bounded off into the vineyard at the end of the lane, moving on only when I, the intruder, had myself turned around to head back home up the hill. An involuntary oh! left my lips and he was gone before I had the chance to chat – I always try ...
Sweetness, you are one of the lights of my life.
Just so you know...
of course
You know those people you sometimes meet at parties - confidence exuding through seemingly every pore, inner glow glowing outwardly, shoulders held back with poise and grace? Well, I am not one of those people. At said party, you'll find me in the kitchen, head down, engaged in the mechanics ...
Well, that's tonight's dinner sorted..... how did I ever manage without you, baby?
a simple pot of beans
Jamie Oliver, guys, he is stressing me out. Watching him work himself into a lather over how easy and no-excuses-quick his latest 15 Minute Meals are is becoming somewhat akin, for me, to watching a train crash. I love the man, can hardly bear to tear my eyes from the series (he has SO many goo...
What's happening with Handmakers Factory?
It may seem like there's not much happening around here, i realise i've not shared much and i aim to change that. I've been planning, planning and doing a little more planning, yep lots of planning happening! I'm half way through the School for Social Entrepreneurs program and it's been fantasti...
I added a knob of fresh ginger. Gave it a bit of heat. xo
Peanut sauce
Officially obsessed with Deborah Madison's peanut sauce from her tofu book. This, spooned over slices of pan-fried tofu, is what I will live on should I give up dairy for good. Enough for 6. Dump 1/2 a cup of peanut butter (the crushed, natural kind) into the bowl of a food processor. Add a cl...
ps. My Nadine Abensur and Jude Blereau books are more of a life line than you could ever imagine.
Chickpea salad
You'd be forgiven for thinking that it's all freshly-pulled veg and jolly trips to the market for this kitchen, but seriously, it ain't. Some nights it's late, we're busy, and the only option left is the supermarket, which sounds better (and funnier) if you call it the supermarché, the way th...
The Kid has just announced that she is going vegan, and I've only just become confident with vegetarianism. After I finished hyperventilating into a towel, I made a beeline for your blog.
We're having this for dinner xo
ps. I know, it's not such a big jump really.
Chickpea salad
You'd be forgiven for thinking that it's all freshly-pulled veg and jolly trips to the market for this kitchen, but seriously, it ain't. Some nights it's late, we're busy, and the only option left is the supermarket, which sounds better (and funnier) if you call it the supermarché, the way th...
Preston is the new Northcote. Epping is the new Preston...
Meditate on that prospect, and see how long it takes you to hyperventilate.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
Tell me about it. These agents have been shitting me around for 10 days. Finally I said that I have another property I could apply for (which is true, actually). LO! A personal call from the property manager assuring me of an answer by tomorrow morning.
I've had it with the house inspections. The next person who blocks a doorway on me or tries to psych me out is going to get hexed.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
There's a lot of it around.
They always play the family moving in card. It's just a way to avoid objection. It's often not even true, but then you're gone and it's too late to do anything about it.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
Anything oily and sugary, I believe...
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
That's exactly what Mym said. We make our home wherever we are... I was rather touched by that.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
That's a shitload of moves.
I feel for you.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
It did, actually. I got quite bewildered...
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
Thank you.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
I did think about it. But it's so good. My old boss built it for me in a contra deal. It's a bloody work of art. And it backs onto the neighbours back door. I guess my landlord just got lucky. She can deal with her karma herself.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
What a shame we're on opposite sides of the world. If I ever find myself looking for rents in Canada, you'll be the first to know.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
Positive vibes received, loud and clear.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
Thank you.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
Never check the rental prices if you don't need you. Unless you're planning to go out and get drunk.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
who can say?
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
Her, actually. She's just ignorant. I was her first tenant, and I dare say she thinks I'm a dime a dozen.
She has a LOT to learn.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
It's not unusual for 500 people to turn up to an inspection here on the most awful little place, with their application forms at the ready. I have watched people intimidate each other and go into a bidding war on the spot, upping the price for everyone. It's amazing to watch.
In such an environment I don't stand a rat's chance in hell. Nor do I want to... I think it's sick, the level of desperation people are driven to.
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
And so it came to pass that, after recent verbal assurances that I could stay living in my house as long as I wished, and an enthusiastic go ahead to get chickens and really commit to living here... I received a notice to vacate. Within 8 weeks. Never trust a landlord. I really should have t...
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