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K Porter
Portland, Oregon
Recent Activity
Mmmmmm . . . Cookies!
It's that time of year: Girl Scout Cookie Sales. And yes, Rose is up to the top of her sash in the whole thing. Rose joined a Brownie troop this fall and has been learning about Brownie legends and badges, as well a the economics of how cookie sales fund... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2013 at Road Trip
Art for Sale
During this holiday break, Rose has decided she wants to make a little extra cash/moolah/coin. Why, we're not exactly sure why, but she's been obsessed about selling some of her drawings and "getting rich." She wants to set up a kind of lemonade stand for art on the corner, where... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2012 at Road Trip
Believe It or Not
As we go about our holiday business -- decorating, making lists, baking cookies and doing our very best to be merry -- there's always a slight air of anxiety as we consider the BIG question of the season: Does Rose Still Believe In Santa? Evan, of course, is sooooo over... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2012 at Road Trip
Rock On!!
Six years ago yesterday, our world was completely rocked. It hasn't righted itself since, which is just fine with us. Rose has changed us. She challenges us every day with her passion, intelligence, creativity, intensity and strong desire to be independent. She's been very focused on the difference between five-... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2012 at Road Trip
Fishy business
Rose is an extremely social creature. She's one of those enviable people who has no problem walking into a room full of strangers, scoping them out, learning everyone's name, charming them and then making herself pretty much at home. She does this so well, in fact, that we had to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2012 at Road Trip
The Sex Talk
As we were lazing around this morning, Rose announced that Coco is going to have puppies. Here's how the conversation picked up from there: Evan: What?!?! Rose: Coco is going to have a puppy. Evan: How do you know? Rose: When her nipples get big, that means she's going to... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2012 at Road Trip
A Decade of Joy
Today is Evan's 10th birthday. A milestone, indeed, and an opportunity for a mother to gush a bit. Saturday night, we went took the kids to Cirque du Soleil, followed by dinner at Evan's favorite restaurant (Firehouse). It was a lovely spring evening. We were seated by the open garage... Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2012 at Road Trip
What's old is new again
Given the fact that I'm in a band, music is something we talk a lot about in our house. I had always assumed that my kids would grow up humming tunes and paying attention the latest hit songs, but never did I imagine that they would fall so deeply in... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2012 at Road Trip
Father Daughter Dance
Friday night was the annual Father Daughter Dance at our local elementary school. Because she is going to be in Kindergarten next year, Rose (and Bill) decided to attend. Special occasions deserve special attention, so I decided to make Rose a dress. Yes, I can sew, but it's not something... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2012 at Road Trip
The Justin Beavers Club
Rose and I spent quite a bit of time together today on the way to and from -- and waiting around at -- the vet. Coco has a bladder infection that has gotten out of hand (read: peeing throughout the house), so I made an appointment to take her in... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2012 at Road Trip
Growing up, moving on
Today brought a hallmark for our family - at least for me. I gave notice to Rose's preschool that she would be leaving in June. Not really a big event in the overall scheme of things, but honestly, it felt like a big deal to me. I mean, geesh, she's... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2012 at Road Trip
"The times, they are a-changin' . . . "
While I have composed at least a dozen blogs in my head over the past several months, I realize that is little solace to those looking for new, juicy tidbits about our lives since it's been five months since my last post. Definitely time for a change. In fact, that's... Continue reading
Posted Aug 22, 2011 at Road Trip
Top 'O the Morning to You . . .
Today was an exciting day here in our little corner of the Pacific Northwest: Daylight Savings Time kicked in and the neighborhood St. Patrick's Day parade, well, paraded. Now, there are certainly some quirky things about living in Portland (The Church of Elvis, bike "boxes," and everything you see in... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2011 at Road Trip
The perfect day
The quintessential "perfect day" is something that seems just slightly out of reach. Yes, it's easy to imagine all of those things that might make a day especially lovely (sleeping in, for example, or knitting to your heart's content without anybody asking you to stop and do something else), but... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2011 at Road Trip
You'd better watch out . . .
This weekend we're going to see Santa. Lots of excitement, nervousness and wee bit of skepticism. For Rose, this conversation can't come soon enough. She's been threatened several times (by her brother) that certain behaviors guarantee a lump of coal in one's stocking. So every time she screams or gets... Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2010 at Road Trip
Hot Tamale!
Anyone with children knows that drama is always lurking -- even at the dinner table. We have been slowly but surely making our way through the mountain of Halloween candy that Rose and Evan collected last week. While Evan's style is to work his way through carefully (we've been known... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2010 at Road Trip
Introducing . . . Supervisor
One of my all time favorite compliments will forever be when, out of the blue, Rose piped up from the back seat of the car one day and announced, "Mom, you're a rock star!" My heart swelled with pride because, well, I am in a band and it's a thrill... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2010 at Road Trip
Color my world
As anyone who knows us well will tell you, compromise doesn't always come easy to our marriage. Stubborn and self-assured is more our style(s). Therefore, decisions that require choosing from several options -- like interior decorating -- are always a bit of a challenge. It's been awhile since we've had... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2010 at Road Trip
In with the new
At last, we have pictures of the upstairs addition to share. Because the interior door had been nailed shut for weeks and the external access is open only when the workers are on site, it's been tough to get in there to take pictures. It's far from finished, but you... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2010 at Road Trip
Happy Birthday, Bill!
Last week was Bill's birthday. It fell right in the middle of a four-day work trip. It might have completely fallen through the cracks, except we have kids and they LOVE celebrating birthdays. Preferably their own, but they'll settle for a parent's in a pinch. DAY BEFORE BIRTHDAY: many rounds... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2010 at Road Trip
Big girl update 2
All of the sudden, out of the blue, Rose has announced that she's done with Pull-Ups. This time it appears to be true. In her own words . . . Download Rose Oct2010 I suspect it has a little to do with her increasing self-confidence (hard to believe there was... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2010 at Road Trip
Yes, it's been too long since my last post. Life simply has a way of distracting a person from recording important moments for posterity. Not to mention work, kids, travel, family and yes, the remodel. I'm resolved to remedy the situation this weekend. There will be a post soon on... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2010 at Road Trip
A little fresh air
One bi-product of the remodel has been our complete lack of interest in our yard. Normally, we'd be out there every weekend, trimming, weeding and mowing. Not this year. I noticed the lawnmower was decidedly dusty, sitting wedged between building supplies in the garage; the rose in the parking strip... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2010 at Road Trip
Big girl update
It takes a really big girl to admit when she's wrong. Especially, when her pride and candy are at stake. But alas, that's what Rose has done. After two accidents, she's decided she isn't too proud to "Pull-Up" at night. With the change to a new school and the ongoing... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2010 at Road Trip
The half-way mark
According to the calendar, we're half-way through our remodel. Bill says I'm optimistic to think we're that far, but according to the schedule, we're on track. I'm hopeful we'll hit the early November mark for completion. Since my last post on this topic, A LOT has happened. Today was a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2010 at Road Trip
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