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Andy Nulman
Interests: working out, jewelry, contemporary art (the wilder the better), mobile entertainment, playing hockey, buying clothes, loud rock music, innovative design, no arithmetic, reading, writing, public speaking, snowboarding
Recent Activity
Last week, I was invited to speak at Montreal’s seventh annual StartupFest, perhaps the continent’s most important gathering for emerging business ideas and those who want to invest in them. Like other events of its ilk, the mood at Startupfest... Continue reading
I was out to lunch with a colleague last week, and the waiter asked for my order. “To start, I think I’ll go with the carrot soup, and for the entree, I think the seafood risotto sounds good.” Over and... Continue reading
I am a journalist. Not the type that Donald Trump’s White House seems to hate; perhaps it would be more precise to add a hyphen and say that I am a journal-ist, meaning that I love taking notes in a... Continue reading
It’s just one sentence, yet the different meanings it takes on when enunciated are extreme. It all boils down to a tiny tinge of inflection; but when the inflection is shifted over just one word and spoken out loud, the... Continue reading
As surprises go, it wasn’t particularly effective. It was telegraphed a day in advance via a text message that went in part: Hey PTF crew-- I am in need of some time-sensitive information. There is a prize coming your way... Continue reading
It’s fascinating to, well uh, learn that the concept of a “Learning Curve” was born way back in 1885 when it was introduced by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus. That crunching noise you hear is the sound of us abruptly reaching... Continue reading
The recent passing of TV icon Mary Tyler Moore brought back a flood of memories from 1991, when she was the host of a Just For Laughs TV special I Executive Produced for Showtime...most notably a memory of a life... Continue reading
If I hadn’t been locked down in some very important meetings this week, I’d have been in Ottawa as a guest on a panel discussion hosted by the federal government. Subject matter was entrepreneurship and startups (very apropos for Play... Continue reading
Even though I don’t wear them too often, I have a collection of over 250 ties. No silly “character” or “theme” ties; cool, classy and striking stuff. Mostly, they are bought to “go with” a certain jacket or event, but... Continue reading
I love this time of year because everybody seems to be obsessed with telling the future. For one’s selves, people make “resolutions”...and we know how most of them end up come February (and we also know why my gym was... Continue reading
I’ve never been good at long goodbyes, so let’s try to make this brief, shall we? After eight years and three months of blogging, a lengthy period of discipline, dedication, research and introspection that spawned 1,077 posts, you are now... Continue reading
Well, it’s that time of the year again, when the media—new, old and everything in between, including this blog—fixates on compiling its Year-End List. While the act of “Listification” seems to have suffered a bad rap due to overuse by... Continue reading
I have a friend who is currently going through the type of health-related family anguish you should never know from…but given the way life (and death) works, you probably will at one time or another. While I won’t reveal his... Continue reading
“Let there be light !” It’s the third line in the Bible…so I guess it must be important. And perhaps at no time is it more important than right now, particularly in my hometown Montreal, where holiday lighting brightens up... Continue reading
On Saturday, Dec. 6 at 3:00 p.m. sharp, I sat down at the Vic Park gym with trainer Haskel Garmaise to re-launch my intense workout regime with a brand new, multi-disciplinary program. That is not the important part of this... Continue reading
Please excuse the sucky title and its allusion to a million or so hack comedy routines on the same subject. I trust this post will be somewhat less hackneyed and thank you in advance for jumping to the next line.... Continue reading
“Oh I just don’t know where to begin…” sang Elvis Costello in his 1979 (somewhat) hit song Accidents Will Happen. But I DO know where to begin, and that’s on the wall between the door and the massive window of... Continue reading
This is one of the shortest blog posts I’ve ever composed. Why? Because I don’t have much to say. This happens on occasion with yours truly, and as I’ve come to notice these days, much more often with others. Yet... Continue reading
Just got back from a thoroughly enjoyable long weekend in New York. Took in two plays (The River, with Hugh Jackman, and the spectacular The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time) and a musical (Beautiful, the Carole King... Continue reading
Last week, I had the pleasure of mentoring two sharp young men. By day, they have marketing jobs, but by night and over weekends, they are prepping an entrepreneurial endeavor, and asked me to offer up some advice on the... Continue reading
I am writing this post mid-Saturday afternoon...and I am wasting a substantial sum of money while doing so. To explain (without getting into too much detail to exacerbate the situation and inflate the already-ridiculous financial tally), I am currently embroiled... Continue reading
As mentioned in a post a couple months back, I carry a journal with me just about all the time, which I fill with copious thoughts, notes, ideas and random observations. Most of these scribblings make no sense to anyone... Continue reading
During the Jewish Holidays last week, the two words I heard most often (other than “Shana Tovah,” which means “Happy New Year”) were “Nice suit!” I heard it on three separate days, and heard it often for each different suit.... Continue reading
Yech. I spent much of last week saddled with a nagging cold; one that wouldn’t fully break though into need for bed rest, but left me sniffly, blocked up, achy, feverish and functionally miserable for six straight days. (That's a... Continue reading
A friend and former business partner reached out to me last week with a very specific request: “Do you know of a good marketing copywriter?” I kicked it around my head for a while, but unfortunately, nobody came to mind.... Continue reading