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Thanks for the update General Candel, real life always comes before KL of course, and this blog is just something for you to work on in your spare time. No pressure
Toggle Commented May 29, 2010 on Things Are Still Happening at General Candel's Blog
I'll do an interview. Do I just answer the questions and email the answers to you, or do you just make some in palringo or what? Also, it probably wouldn't be good to post two consecutive EC interviews in a row...variety is good :P
Ha! Never realized that was what Master Luthier stood for. Good read, I talk to ML usually at least once every three days and never knew that.
Make sure to include things like camping, farming, pitching, catching, etc.
Pratorious is now following General Candel
Jan 18, 2010
Pratorious is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 18, 2010