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Pei Sze
Recent Activity
Pei Sze is now following Humz
Sep 2, 2011
Pei Sze added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
Mar 13, 2011
Pei Sze added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
Mar 4, 2011
Pei Sze added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
Mar 4, 2011
Pei Sze added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
Feb 3, 2011
Pei Sze added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
Feb 3, 2011
Pei Sze is now following Account Deleted
Jan 17, 2011
Merry Xmas and happy new year. Wishing u full of love & happiness. Thanks for all the update n beautiful pictures.
Merry Christmas !!!!!
merry christmas is that a lot this past month I update and I apologize to you ..... but anyway but it really is just study and work while I get stressed too I hope that your Christmas are in a lot of love between you and immediate family because that is all about Christmas also that if given t...
Merry Xmas and happy new year. Wishing u & everyone full of love & happiness. Thanks for all the update.
Merry Christmas~!
A very Happy Christmas to everyone who has visited my blog since vox~ Music Station yesteday was really a very good performance~ Love the boys ^_^ Blessings to my readers & to my stormy darlings Can't wait for next Friday's Kouhaku Once again.... MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Happy belated birthday. Hope your life full of happiness n healthy too.
Birthday VTR
今日、12月18日は私の誕生日でして、18歳になりました で、噂の嵐からのバースデイVTRをやっと見れました~!!! もう、最高にうれしかったです☆ マジで5回くらい繰り返し見ました(笑) 嵐にハッピーバースデイ歌ってもらえるなんて! まー名前までは言ってもらえないんですけど、それぞれからメッセージをもらいました。 AMSNOの順番でした 相葉ちゃん:毎日悔いの無いように楽しんむ。彼も楽しんでくれるそうです(笑) 松潤:今日から新たな一年のスタート。その一年が充実した一年になるように彼も祈ってくれるそうです(サンキュー!) 翔くん:昨年より今年。今年より来年。更なる飛躍の年にし...
Hi,Thanks just done it after seeing your message.
New Registration Form for Johnny's International
Did you guys get the latest e-mail from Johnny's International? The one asking us to re-register again using the new registration form which include one new question: Who is your favourite Johnny's artiste? Altogether now... ARASHI~<3 So don't forget to re-register you guys. ^^ (They're n...
Pei Sze is now following jihunny
Dec 8, 2010
Can't to subscribe the NHK channel in Singapore so I can watch them live for the first time. Thanks Marjae
Matsushita Nao & Arashi chosen as hosts for this year’s Kohaku Uta Gassen!
Just recently it was announced that Matsushita Nao and Arashi have been chosen as hosts for NHK’s annual music show on New Year’s Eve, “Kohaku Uta Gassen (Kohaku)“! “Kohaku” started its broadcast back in 1951, and “the program divides the most popular music artists of the year into competing te...
Thanks for the post. This game is fun and require good balancing. Nino can balance very well.
20101011 夜の笑っていいとも!Nino~
ちっちゃい! Petite size Kazu is so strong~ A must-watch, I waited so long watching this boring special just for this~ Worth all my wait ^_^ We have the Ohoku pair, Mizuno x Matsushima After Kazu's win, we have tweets from ohoku_movie and vs Arashi producer tweet from producer : Nino, congratulation...
Wah! finally international fan club... I can't wait. Thanks Andreix.Looking forward.
Johnnys International E-mail Office
Hoy muchas fans, al revisar nuestras bandejas de entradas nos dimos con una gran sorpresa, recibimos un e-mail de un "Johnnys Internacional E-mail Office", resulta que nos tienen en un mailist a causa de los mensajes a Tackey Channel (recuerdan mis post anteriores y el regalo de agradecimiento p...
Thanks alot
[CM] エリエール+water - 新発売篇
New CM updated in website~ 15s, 30s & Making of~ Download links 15s - 30s - Making of -
Pei Sze added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
Sep 27, 2010
Pei Sze is now following Arashi Translations Index
Sep 19, 2010
Pei Sze is now following Satsu-ki
Sep 18, 2010
so happy for you..
Tackey gift arrived today!
If yo dont know that I told in this post, check this: LINK Well... I thought it would take longer to arrive, but it came today!! **andreix exciteeeeed** I returned to study and saw the package, I dont have words to describe the moment! XD This is the package closed... Is very exciting to see...
Pei Sze is now following JaellaIruka
Sep 17, 2010
Pei Sze is now following Jani665
Sep 17, 2010
thanks alot for this wonderful scan.
[book] NIPPON NO ARASHI / 日 本 の 嵐
NIPPON NO ARASHI _ Matsujun! cretd:caper
Pei Sze added a favorite at Marjae's blog
Sep 17, 2010
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