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Now people are asking for business cards again. So I should cancel my 19 social media accounts? I need a pot ciggarate brake now.
Too Much: Why Promoting All Your Social Media Links Is Excessive
While marketing across social media platforms is an essential part of an artist's marketing toolkit, overdoing it and pumping your identical message through every known channel can often be too much, and ultimately have more of a negative impact than anything. Here we look at a better way of d...
YouTube needs YouTube concerts. A sister company. Can I suggest YouTube indie???
YouTube Takes Down Ariana Grande's One Love Manchester Benefit Concert On Copyright Grounds
The streaming of Ariana Grande's One Love Manchester concert on the singer's YouTube page was shut down by Warner Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment for copyright infringement, despite the event being a benefit for victims of the recent deadly terrorist attack. By Mike Masnick of Techdir...
It's about pulling oneself up from the muddy pool of the unknown artist
How To Grow Your Online Music Brand In 24 Hours
While the ways in which you can "make it" in the music industry have certainly changed, it still requires a concerted effort to stand out from a sea of other talented artists. This piece looks at how you as an artist can work to develop your brand online brand and reach out to fans. ___________...
If record labels took 45% of my revenue stream, I'd be back at home depot's garden section. Got damn YouTube
DMCA Helps YouTube Underpay Music Industry Up To $1 Billion A Year, Claims New Study
Digital Millennium Copyright Act safe harbor protections and lower than industry standard royalty rates allow YouTube to underpay musicians, songwriters, label and other rights holders between $650 million and $1 billion a year, according to a new analysis. _________________________________ ...
Pandora, market to the new kids. Your site is old and outdated. And don't reject so much indie artist music.
You can surpass YouTube
Pandora Thinks It Can Be Sold Within 30 Days [REPORT]
[UPDATED] Pandora is actively trying to sell and confident that it can close a deal to close within 30 days, sources familiar with the company's thinking told CNBC. SiriusXM is believed to be the most logical buyer. ________________________________ This week Pandora reported slowing growth ...
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May 12, 2017
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