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so happy you have a place to vacation when your mom vacations :)
Hi, my Friends. Shira here. Yes. I'm still ShiraPrincessoftheWorldDogYoung. And if you had any doubt about that...let me tell you about my vacation. I arrived last Monday at my old home (the Humane Society)...not as an inmate, but as a guest. They board special dogs...and I'm special. When...
may you knit down the stash only to build it up again!
this time i mean it.....
New Year..almost..and same old resolution, which in the past has been little more than a suggestion. This time I mean it. Really. It's time to knit down the stash and let's finish up a few UFOs while we're at it. Reminder to self: this means you cannot ADD to the stash while reducing it. ...
merry Christmas to you too!!!!
Merry Christmas....
There was just a little bit of Christmas's done! Merry Christmas, friends.
you are living your best life :) I hope mom and dad are happy!!
dear Sandy Paws....
Dear Sandy Paws, Shira here. ShiraPrincessoftheWorldDogYoung. For all practical purposes, I guess this is my first Christmas season. And I'm just a bit confused. Look at me! I have this wonderful sofa that is my Princess throne during the day and my Princess bed at night. I have a holiday...
I'm sure you will get the hang of the blog eventually. I am glad you are back to it :)
some things just simply don't need to change....
I've spent a lot of time with my camera and with photoshop and with my computer these past few months. For some strange reason, I was under the impression that all those hours would have made me more adept at messing around and changing the appearance of my blog. Who was I kidding? When I s...
may she bless you with many happy joyous moments! She is adorable!!
It's all OK.
It's been more than a while. Weeks? Months? (Maybe not years.) Long enough, I'm sure, to find that there is no longer anyone in this space but me. That's OK. I talk to myself a lot. For anyone who trips into this space by mistake, let me fill you in. It used to be a knitting blog. I was ...
I am so happy for you! I bet your mom will figure out all the blog stuff eventually.
Hello, my name is Shira
HELLO!! I SEE YOU!!!! Shira, here. ShiraPrincessDogYoung. I think you met me earlier in the week. My mom is indisposed at the moment (bum knee, not a happy camper), so I thought I'd jump in here (since I can still jump....and she can't even walk!)and really introduce myself. Getting her...
lovely praying mantis! I read all of your posts and sometimes have trouble posting so just know I'm reading!!
water water everywhere...
Somehow (well, OK, so I volunteered....)I became a water-er. A friend and I plant and maintain 5 planted pots of geraniums, ferns, and petunias at church. Same friend...with several other garden club friends plant and maintain three giant planters of whatever we think will look nice near our t...
congrats on the new lens!! I bet you cannot put it down now. I love your scrap blankets that turn out beautifully :)
Old stash + lack of motivation = new toy
Mitered square blanket (#4), Northeasterly blanket (barely begun), and another huge basket full of sock yarn bits. Before it all gets knit into those blankets...I turned my needles to knit a pair of booties. I might knit several pairs. Maybe even several dozen pairs. There will still be p...
love that you are finishing up those projects, that makes room for much much more!
souvenir yarn...
Artfiber: Tsuki turquoise #10 bought in 2011 on a trip to San Artfiber cast on immediately (of course) and knit 2" Fast forward....2019. Look what I found. Tsuki is a mohair/silk blend which combines for the lushest, softest, loveliest fiber ever. This drop stitch wrap is...
praying for you Freddy! Your finish is beautiful, love the colors in the stripes. I decided to sign in with my twitter account.
Hi, my friends. Freddy here. I'm exhausted. I just finished a photoshoot for my mom. I'm actually feeling just a tad piqued. After my last post....I had a really bad fall outside. (Mom was in the shower and missed all the drama.) Dad had to pick me up; I was crying (and you know, I don't...
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Feb 10, 2019
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