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Oh, I wish I had a secret for you to be productive when there are things on my mind that seem to paralyze me. Thoughts and prayers headed your way on the surgery. As for the rest, it will happen when it needs to and when it's supposed to. xo
36 China Markers
How do you get things done? I’m asking. Waiting for my skin cancer surgeries has me utterly paralyzed. The sitter still comes three days a week, which may be the only reason I’m moving at all. There were a couple of days that wholly consisted of my harrumphing in bed while she took care of the k...
I'm with you on a smaller scale -- I signed up for weight watchers online today. Damn peri-menopause. :(
My Farewell Tour
Last week, I confessed that I had re-upped at the weight loss clinic that helped me shed 56 pounds three years ago. I did it with their help and a combination of exercise and a low-fat, low-carb, extremely low-cal diet (600-800 calories per day). One of the clinic's selling points is that it is ...
I'm so sorry I'm behind the 8-ball! Congratulations!!
Introducing Cooper
It took 6 days, 3 trips to the hospital, 3 failed inductions, and a foley ball to get my labor started. When the doctors finally decided to break my water, my second son decided to make his way into this world in less than six hours. A few big pushes and my nine-pounder was born with bruised...
So glad you enjoy! :)
Top 10 Real Moms on Twitter
Want some new virtual friends? Follow these moms on Twitter. We chose these Moms because they have
Simple as Fruit
Sometimes it takes just a little simple advice to overcome fear. I'm trying to embrace the manual aspect of my Nikon, but for some reason, the digital Nikon intimidates in a way that my film camera never did. There are just so many bells and whistles, and I am often afraid I'll mess up the camera! Fortunately, the amazingly kind and talented Karen Walrond had this piece of advice when I saw her this summer: "Just take pictures of fruit." Just put some fruit on the table and start playing with the settings, she told me. It will be okay,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2010 at She Shoots
A Different Kind of Ride
Thanks to my good friend, frequent partner in crime and fabulous photographer Amie, aka MammaLoves, I came up with this shot while we were riding in a New York City pedicab this summer. It was a fun thing to do, though once we had hopped on and agreed to pay, we realized that perhaps we'd taken our lives into our own hands by riding in one little pedicab in a sea of crazy taxis! Fortunately, we survived and with Amie's advice, I came up with this image that really captured the off-kilter sense we had of seeing Broadway from this... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2010 at She Shoots
They rock! As do you!
I Have a Namesake! Monticello Shoes Rocks.
You all know about my obsession with shoes. Do I really need to say more about that? A few years ago I wrote about an adorable shoe store I stumbled upon in downtown Norfolk called Monticello Shoes. They have their own designs, custom made in Italy and the shoes are absolutely gorgeous. And...
And So the Transition Begins ...
This image makes me happy and sad. Happy because it shows PunditGirl and her friend having a fun time. Sad because this was taken just weeks before her friend got on a plane to fly half way across the world to live for a few years with her family. Happy because it is a carefree moment of childhood. Sad because I see the emerging teens who will soon be leaving their hormone-free childhoods behind. They're still little girls and I cherish each and every moment I get to see that in them, because I know there will come a day,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2010 at She Shoots
I hear you. Mr. PunditMom recently told me I'd turned into a misanthrope because I get so cranky at some things these days. :(
Still Cranky After All These Years
“You’ve gotten crankier over the years,” my husband observed. This is true, and never more so than when we arrive at the airport to check in for a flight. I try to stay calm by reminding myself that long lines are the nature of the beast. You have to just ride them out. But I find it hard not to...
I'm Loving Hipstamatic!
I have fallen in love with an iPhone app (yes, it's all your fault Mocha Momma!). While my iPhone is handy, I'm not addicted to it and I'm skeptical of various applications and whether I really need them. But when I read that Kelly was a fan of the application called Hipstamatic -- a photography app that makes pictures look like they were taken 20 years ago with your childhood instamatic camera -- I fell in love. Shots that I would delete with my digital SLR magically turn into quirky things I love to look at! And no, I was... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2010 at She Shoots
Colors of a Daisy
I found some amazing Gerbera daisies at the farmer's market the other week and couldn't stop marveling at the color. Then, when I got closer -- REALLY close -- I realized just how many different shades there were in what at first appeared just to be pretty pink flowers. Image by Joanne Bamberger aka PunditMom. Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2010 at She Shoots
One of my favorite plants, nightshade brings back some pleasant summer memories from several years ago. I finally planted some at our house. By Karianna Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2010 at She Shoots
Peacock in the Sky
Close-up of a portion of the beautiful Patricia Vader sculpture "Wheely Whirly Peacock." By Karianna Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2010 at She Shoots
Gnarly, Dude!
At Muir Woods in Marin County, California by Karianna Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2010 at She Shoots
Snow in California
This is the closest we get to "snow" in my parts. Or, perhaps these look more like jacks? I used a Lensbaby for this. By Karianna Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2010 at She Shoots
Don't get me wrong -- I'm all for PunditGirl taking responsibility! I just wonder how much good these types of lists do in our age of uber-parenting?
If This is Her "Golden Year," Should I Be Rocking the Boat?
After attending a recent "tweens" parenting class at my fourth-grader's school, I came away with some serious doubts about my abilities in that department, as well as questions about how we as a society parent today. Not that I think I'm the perfect mother -- not by any stretch! But I left with...
Fortunately, I do take these things with a big grain of salt, but I know a lot of parents there were pretty shaken! And the good news is, PunditGirl has lots of other good skills! :)
If This is Her "Golden Year," Should I Be Rocking the Boat?
After attending a recent "tweens" parenting class at my fourth-grader's school, I came away with some serious doubts about my abilities in that department, as well as questions about how we as a society parent today. Not that I think I'm the perfect mother -- not by any stretch! But I left with...
The Small Details of The Great Wall
It's hard to capture the scale and overwhelming achievement that is The Great Wall of China in any photographs, no matter how stunning they are. But I loved this detail as we huffed and puffed our way up one of the sections of the The Great Wall -- padlocks with red ribbons that lined the way. The significance? Couples can purchase these and leave them as symbols of their never-ending love at this monument to dedication, hard-work, greatness and even disappointment. It turns out that The Great Wall of China is a lot like love in many ways. Image by... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2010 at She Shoots
Don't get me started again! ;)
I Hate Tuesdays, the New York Times and Other Rants
Whose big idea was it to let LAUSD kids out at 1:35 on Tuesdays? Don't they know how inconvenient it is - for ME? After all, the minute my daughter comes home from school, I get to start neglecting her so I can work on my brand. For those of you who are not clued in to the mom blogging communit...
Debbie, Can you send me your E-mail address for the E-book we were discussing? Thanks!
Is it Time to Stop Supporting My Alma Mater?
I'm angry with my college alma mater. Just when I was beginning to feel that the regional university was gaining national recognition, the president resigned. The president of less than four years was the university's first female. It appears there were differences with the chancellor and the ...
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Mar 15, 2010
It's Almost Gone
There's not this much snow left in the back yard anymore, but it still hasn't completely disappeared. Maybe another day or two should do it. Image by PunditMom/Joanne Bamberger Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2010 at She Shoots
La,la,la, I'm not listening! ;)
Wake Me Up When Adolescence is Over
"She's such a good baby," my friends and colleagues ooh-ed when my daughter was an infant. She seemed to know when my maternity leave was about to end, because at just that point she began sleeping through the night.She didn't cry much, and when she did, it was kind of cute. And as soon as she...
Didn't mean to make anyone cry -- but it is getting me pretty emotional, too!
A Second Trip of a Lifetime
It's hard to get my head around the fact that after planning for almost a year, my family and I are just weeks away from our second trip of a lifetime. The first, of course, was when we traveled to China in 2001 to bring home our daughter. Now, in just a matter of weeks, we'll be returning f...
How Could I Have Forgotten About This One?
How could I have forgotten this one? I was saving it for a Valentine's Day post and totally forgot about it when we were dealing with the snowpocalypse (parts 1, 2 and 3!) I was playing with my Lensbaby while we were in Southern California in December and found this perfect image of love -- heart-shaped and prickly! Image by Joanne/PunditMom Copyright 2009, all rights reserved Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at She Shoots
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