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I've waited for years for this one event. I totally agree with dropping the ball. I am so disappointed. Of the bands I do find interesting I could only justify maybe a $100 ticket. But at $750 I just can't see any worth in it. Jay-Z is a sellout and for that reason alone I'm not going. Could go to Cochella for that since they've cashed out. 69 was about the TOP artists of the day, so why bottom feed now? Just another swindle.
Woodstock 50 Lineup Leaks
Jay Z, Dead & Co., Chance the Rapper and the Black Keys are among the artists who will headline the upcoming Woodstock 50 music festival, according to a report in Variety. While the headline has not been officially announced, a rep for the festival did not deny the report in Variety and pointe...
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Mar 13, 2019
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