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Charlotte Dixon
Portland, OR
Fall in love with your writing, your life, and yourself.
Recent Activity
Portland Character Workshop
Let’s Go Write presents CREATING CHARACTERS A One-day Workshop -- You have an idea for a book, --You’ve started writing one, --You’ve written a bunch – 50 pages or even 100 – AND: You’re having trouble creating a character, or You are not satisfied with a character you’ve created, or... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2016 at Let's Go Write
How to Write a Book 2.1
Let’s Go Write presents HOW TO WRITE A BOOK 2.1 A One-day Workshop You have an idea for a book, or You’ve started writing one, or You’ve written a bunch – 50 pages or even 100 – BUT: You feel lost or confused, or You don’t know how you’ll finish... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2016 at Let's Go Write
The Ins and Outs of the Publishing World 2.0
We had fantastic reviews of our first publishing workshop, but the weekend we held it (early December) was difficult for many. Due to popular request, we're holding it again. We already have several people committed, so sign up while there is still room. Here are the details: Let’s Go Write... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2016 at Let's Go Write
Fundamentals of Fiction (and Memoir) Write in the South of France
FUNDAMENTALS OF FICTION (and MEMOIR!) WRITE IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE September 10-17, 2016 We'll stay seven nights, and six full days in the charming Catalonian town of Ceret. It's nestled in the foothills of the Pyrenees and the sparkling Mer Mediterranée is a mere 34 kilometers away. We love... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2015 at Let's Go Write
Guest Post (and Giveaway): How I Marketed My Novels
J.D. Frost is a familiar name to anyone whose read this blog for awhile. He's done a few guest posts here, and he's a regular commenter. I had the privilege of meeting him, and his wife Donna and step-granddaughter Lizzie,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2015 at Charlotte Rains Dixon
The Ins and Outs of the Publishing World
Let’s Go Write presents INS and OUTS of the PUBLISHING WORLD A One-day-plus Workshop Friday, December 4, 6:30 to 8:30 pm and Saturday, December 5, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at Another Read Through, 3932 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR 97227 ★ You’ve completed your novel or memoir, or ★... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2015 at Let's Go Write
Thanks, Zan Marie! Its so funny, I'm the exact opposite: I find FB confusing and I feel quite at home on Twitter!
Otherwhere: Thus Beginneth
Happy Halloween! And so we come to the beginning of a new blog feature called Otherwhere. (It's a word, for real, I found it on In my travels around the internet, I find lots of interesting things that I post on Twitter, or once in a blue moon, on Facebook. But I've realized t...
We had a downpour here. It rained harder and longer than I've seen in a long time--flooding on all the streets, stalled cars, etc. But it cleared a bit after 6 PM so Halloween was saved after all.
Otherwhere: Thus Beginneth
Happy Halloween! And so we come to the beginning of a new blog feature called Otherwhere. (It's a word, for real, I found it on In my travels around the internet, I find lots of interesting things that I post on Twitter, or once in a blue moon, on Facebook. But I've realized t...
Otherwhere: Thus Beginneth
Happy Halloween! And so we come to the beginning of a new blog feature called Otherwhere. (It's a word, for real, I found it on In my travels around the internet, I find lots of interesting things that I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2015 at Charlotte Rains Dixon
I'm sure it is your year, Genia! I'm rooting for you! Love the sound of those late-night write-ins but I'd probably fall asleep.
Why Every Writer Should Do Nanowrimo
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this Sunday November 1st? Why yes, yes it is, Charlotte. Thank you. So you know what that means: Drumroll, please.... It's time for Nanowrimo! What's that you say? You just crawled out from your writing cave and you haven't heard of Nanowrimo? Well, let m...
Five on Friday: Happy Halloween
It is a wonderful rainy, blustery day here in Portland as I write this--my favorite, at least for once in awhile. And here's what's going on: What I'm Reading: Making Piece: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Pie and The... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2015 at Charlotte Rains Dixon
I've often wondered that myself. I'm pretty sure a man--who does not have to cook Thanksgiving diner-started it. (Just like I'm certain that every toilet was designed by a man who has never had to clean one, all those dumb curvy places on the bottom that are impossible to wash.) February would be perfect, even if it is a short month. Maybe we should have our own Nanowrimo then!
Why Every Writer Should Do Nanowrimo
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this Sunday November 1st? Why yes, yes it is, Charlotte. Thank you. So you know what that means: Drumroll, please.... It's time for Nanowrimo! What's that you say? You just crawled out from your writing cave and you haven't heard of Nanowrimo? Well, let m...
Ha! I love it! We can commiserate together and celebrate once December comes!
Why Every Writer Should Do Nanowrimo
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this Sunday November 1st? Why yes, yes it is, Charlotte. Thank you. So you know what that means: Drumroll, please.... It's time for Nanowrimo! What's that you say? You just crawled out from your writing cave and you haven't heard of Nanowrimo? Well, let m...
I just saw that about the Night Circus on Wikipedia! And I'm embarrassed to admit that I've not read it. One of these days! Yeah, I'm not much for forums, either, but I did like the emails they sent and the feeling of that collective energy. I'm cheating this year by working on a novel already started--but I'm still hoping to get those 50K words in!
Why Every Writer Should Do Nanowrimo
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this Sunday November 1st? Why yes, yes it is, Charlotte. Thank you. So you know what that means: Drumroll, please.... It's time for Nanowrimo! What's that you say? You just crawled out from your writing cave and you haven't heard of Nanowrimo? Well, let m...
Why Every Writer Should Do Nanowrimo
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this Sunday November 1st? Why yes, yes it is, Charlotte. Thank you. So you know what that means: Drumroll, please.... It's time for Nanowrimo! What's that you say? You just crawled out from... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2015 at Charlotte Rains Dixon
Hey, who you talking about getting drunk in France?
I love "The Sun Also Rises." It is one of my favorite books ever. And "A Farewell to Arms." Haven't read either for awhile, probably should go back to them....
My BEST Writing Tip, I Promise
Hemingway knew it and used it. I've expounded on it numerous times, including recently. (That juxtaposition of sentences makes it appear that I might be comparing myself to Hemingway, to which I say: bwahahahaha). It is the single most helpful tip for you to get words on the page, and here it i...
You will never convince me of that! :-)
Five on Friday: What's Going On
What Who I'm in Love With: My new grandson, Owen Lewis Hopman, born October 13, thus becoming the 9th Libra among our extended family and friends. He was two weeks overdue, and I'm convinced that he just wanted to make certain he had his very own birthday, rather than sharing it with a grandf...
He was pretty awesome. So was his writing.
My BEST Writing Tip, I Promise
Hemingway knew it and used it. I've expounded on it numerous times, including recently. (That juxtaposition of sentences makes it appear that I might be comparing myself to Hemingway, to which I say: bwahahahaha). It is the single most helpful tip for you to get words on the page, and here it i...
I love everything you listed--except for the sweet tea. But then, I'm not an iced drinker anyway! Your trip sounds wonderful, can't wait to hear about it.
Five on Friday: What's Going On
What Who I'm in Love With: My new grandson, Owen Lewis Hopman, born October 13, thus becoming the 9th Libra among our extended family and friends. He was two weeks overdue, and I'm convinced that he just wanted to make certain he had his very own birthday, rather than sharing it with a grandf...
My BEST Writing Tip, I Promise
Hemingway knew it and used it. I've expounded on it numerous times, including recently. (That juxtaposition of sentences makes it appear that I might be comparing myself to Hemingway, to which I say: bwahahahaha). It is the single most helpful... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2015 at Charlotte Rains Dixon
Okay, so Oregon is known for salmon, blackberries and other kinds of berries, hazelnuts, and Voodoo doughnuts. Also our food carts and huge restaurant scene with lots of cool chefs. (Can you tell I'm trying to get you out here?) We really do have an amazing food scene here.
I used to know Nashville restaurants like the back of my hand but I'm not going as regularly now, sadly, and things have blown up in my absence! I used to go to J.Alexander's (really close to Vanderbilt) and BrickTop's and there's a pizza place in that converted dry cleaning factory that I adore. And the BEST places are the Meat 'n Threes-Varallos's downtown, the Lovelace Cafe, Monell's, The Copper Kitchen. I'm jonesing for some good southern food now that I've written all those down!
Five on Friday: What's Going On
What Who I'm in Love With: My new grandson, Owen Lewis Hopman, born October 13, thus becoming the 9th Libra among our extended family and friends. He was two weeks overdue, and I'm convinced that he just wanted to make certain he had his very own birthday, rather than sharing it with a grandf...
My good friend Linda's daughter came within a couple feet, literally, of having her dorm room wiped out by that tornado. It was really something. I didn't realize you had so many connections to Alabama!
Five on Friday: What's Going On
What Who I'm in Love With: My new grandson, Owen Lewis Hopman, born October 13, thus becoming the 9th Libra among our extended family and friends. He was two weeks overdue, and I'm convinced that he just wanted to make certain he had his very own birthday, rather than sharing it with a grandf...
Don't say that, I'll end up on your doorstep.
Five on Friday: What's Going On
What Who I'm in Love With: My new grandson, Owen Lewis Hopman, born October 13, thus becoming the 9th Libra among our extended family and friends. He was two weeks overdue, and I'm convinced that he just wanted to make certain he had his very own birthday, rather than sharing it with a grandf...
Okay, well sign me up! I've actually always wanted to take a workshop there, so one of these days I may arrive on your doorstep! And for me, you're way more important than Channing. :-)
Five on Friday: What's Going On
What Who I'm in Love With: My new grandson, Owen Lewis Hopman, born October 13, thus becoming the 9th Libra among our extended family and friends. He was two weeks overdue, and I'm convinced that he just wanted to make certain he had his very own birthday, rather than sharing it with a grandf...
I love it, too. So enticing. And its not just the beautiful goods, but the story behind it and her commitment to her home state. I really want to try one of her patterns. What company do you work for? Sounds very cool!
Five on Friday: What's Going On
What Who I'm in Love With: My new grandson, Owen Lewis Hopman, born October 13, thus becoming the 9th Libra among our extended family and friends. He was two weeks overdue, and I'm convinced that he just wanted to make certain he had his very own birthday, rather than sharing it with a grandf...
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