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You're a wonderful mother, L.
Navarathri 2010 - First day
Some pictures from dude's cool camera with panaromic view, bells and whistles.. We had a pattu class today. I like to kick start my navarathri with the pattu class kids, because the kids have been V's friends since she remembers - a couple of them, even earlier than that. Navarathri is especia...
I'm heard that too, V. Not sure if its true or not- certainly, walnuts could qualify as 'brain food'.
To be safe, best not take chances and eat all the vegetables you can!
Vegetables or Organs? | Valar's blog
Is this a fact? First time I am hearing of it. My teacher told me that each vegetable which is good for an organ is shaped like that organ... Read more here
So glad to hear V is doing better. The pillayar looks pretty content.
The Grand Flu and a Birthday
When kiddo returned from school on Thursday complaining of body ache, little did I imagine that she would have to fight a 103 the next day. Influenza in all its darned glory. The poor child was a rag doll most of yesterday, and for a brief two minutes drove me to total and utter panic by looki...
Purplesque is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 11, 2010
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