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Recent Activity
I spent the last couple of weeks working hard to expand my Horse Stable, the last item was just added. However instead of giving me the Expanded Horse Stable,{ stalls for 40 instead of 20}... it wiped every item off the list returning it to the original 10 item list for everything needed to expand... What is going on ? Please correct this mistake. It's very hard for some of us to get family or friends to play this game. I do enjoy playing this game , but WILL close it down if this continues. PLEASE reply to the question...Thank you
The Nursery Barn Expansion Guide
Howdy Farmers! You can store more baby animals than ever with the new Nursery Barn Expansion! Please find a quick guide on how this feature works below. Nursery Barn Expansion: You can now increase the capacity of your Nursery Barn. Remember, the more baby animals you have in your Nursery Barn,...
Janet is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 22, 2010
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