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"why on earth would you say this, and then connect it with how pastors "can be real problems in the spiritual lives of people"?"
Because it's true? If that is indeed what the young pastor is using to justify not caring for the people outside of the worship service, then he's in the wrong and yes, lazy, and this post is just fine and sorely needed. Especially considering how many pastors are infected by that church growth bug that tells people they don't need to have any personal connection to their pastor and you're selfish if you think otherwise.
The Meyer Minute for March 18, 2013
What to write about? St. Patrick, a day late? Brackets? An interesting Bible verse from church yesterday? The frustrating delay of spring? I puzzled over the options last night but will write what’s bugging me. Yesterday I spent a few hours at the office and read a letter from a donor. The...
Hate hate hate this song. It always makes me think of a woman being ravaged in a field, even without the sloppy wet kiss line.
Heaven meets Earth like a sloppy, wet kiss?
The phrase Heaven meets Earth like a sloppy, wet kiss is found in a song titled "How He Loves" (see full set of lyrics here) which is currently used as a worship song in corporate worship settings. The particular line in question has, understandably, caused quite the controversy in Christian cir...
What's next? Tortured for Christ?
Ultimate Fighter?
Because nothing exemplifies the love of Jesus Christ more than beating another human being completely senseless. That being the case, of course a church like Aviator Church in Derby, Kansas should mix the Word of God with Ultimate Fighting. Its like, a total no brainer.
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Jul 16, 2010
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