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Here is a link w/ the pic of the tatoo
is it possible to get a good shot of sam...
is it possible to get a good shot of sam worthingtons tattoo from the movie that was on his left upper arm
Pandora is real.... if you believe.....
i have never felt more attactched to a movie. I...
i have never felt more attactched to a movie. I feel sad that Pandora isnt a real place, but something makes me want to belive it is real. I feel I like the Na'vi more then humans!
all the answers to your questions lie here:
What questions do you want to ask James Cameron...
What questions do you want to ask James Cameron about AVATAR? Asking James Cameron about AVATAR is like checking a dictionary for the meaning and other facts about a word, so I'm very confident that he would be able to answer my questions, thats if he looks at them. Anyway: 1. How does the Na'vi ...
Just to watch this movie in all its splendor at home, I will get me a Blu-ray player...
This film is so organic, the characters were...
This film is so organic, the characters were absolutely beautiful, and the backgrounds I thought were very believable. Aside from style, this is a heart warming tale of opening the mind and heart to another culture. I will watch this movie again and again, can't wait for the DVD.
Zuber, you are not alone, there are many instant fans of this movie that felt the same. You are not being melodramatic at all, excellent post!
What an extraordinary way to move such a large...
What an extraordinary way to move such a large group of people. By the halfway mark I felt I was being born again. I already had such a deep fascination with trees and Native Americans but to install so much creativity and fantasy to something already enchanting was breathtaking. One of the best ...
IMAX 3D is the only way to experience this experience.. (is not a movie, is an experience)
How many of you would recommend watching the movie...
How many of you would recommend watching the movie a third time in 3D? I have seen it twice but am intrigued by the comments over the 3D version. Is it worth seeing a third time?
Suzzal, I could not have put it better myself!!!
it's not a movie.. it's an experience..watched it...
it's not a movie.. it's an experience..watched it twice..gonna watch it again.
I will definitively second Ethan, this is by far the best movie I have ever seen... Thanks for sharing the link to the book, can't wait to read it and get more indepth...
For me, im a movie hog and this is by far the best...
For me, im a movie hog and this is by far the best i have ever seen. Its like your living it yourself. Its amazing and i hope there is a second one. And i hope there is a book to.
IMAX 3D Without a doubt! this is in my book the best movie I have ever seen... everything from the story, the special effects, the music, the feeling to reconnect with reconnect with nature..... I am an instant Fan of this film
AVATAR: Okay... which version should I see the...
AVATAR: Okay... which version should I see the movie in: a) regular old 2D? b) in digital 3D? c) IMAX at the Metreon in SF? Vote on
Qjuanuvi is now following AVATAR
Dec 21, 2009
Qjuanuvi is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 21, 2009
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