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Here is a link w/ the pic of the tatoo
Pandora is real.... if you believe.....
all the answers to your questions lie here:
Just to watch this movie in all its splendor at home, I will get me a Blu-ray player...
Zuber, you are not alone, there are many instant fans of this movie that felt the same. You are not being melodramatic at all, excellent post!
IMAX 3D is the only way to experience this experience.. (is not a movie, is an experience)
Suzzal, I could not have put it better myself!!! :D
I will definitively second Ethan, this is by far the best movie I have ever seen... Thanks for sharing the link to the book, can't wait to read it and get more indepth...
IMAX 3D Without a doubt! this is in my book the best movie I have ever seen... everything from the story, the special effects, the music, the feeling to reconnect with reconnect with nature..... I am an instant Fan of this film
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Qjuanuvi is now following AVATAR
Dec 21, 2009
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Dec 21, 2009