qualitybargain’s Favorites
Blog: Leah Culver's Blog
As part of an upcoming TypePad homepage redesign, I wanted to know how many people are using Facebook, Twitter and OpenID to log in to TypePad. I originally published these findings on the internal company blog in September, but due to the amount of interest in my last blog post about user authentication, I'm republishing them here. Currently TypePad allows for OpenID log in via a wide variety of services. To find out which services people are using to log in, I contacted Jonathan March, Six Apart's Data Architect. I found out that while we don't track every log in...
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Blog: Leah Culver's Blog
Check out the nice new type on my blog! Okay, so I'm not much of a designer but I really love seeing new typefaces on the web with @font-face. Yep, I'm a little tired of Helvetica, Arial and Times. For this blog (and my Awesome blog) I'm using Typekit to supply the fonts for me. It's fairly easy to set up an account with Typekit and get access to a bunch of nice fonts. Plus, I don't need to host the font files myself and the type designers get paid (yay). I'm using a new feature of TypePad that allows...
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Blog: Leah Culver's Blog
Today is my last day working at Six Apart. I've been working at Six Apart for a little over a year now - since they acquired Pownce last December. During the past year I've contributed to Motion as a Django developer and TypePad as a Product Manager. I'll miss all the smart people at Six Apart and I will continue to follow what's going on with the company. I'm keeping my blog on TypePad so I expect good things! What will I do next? Starting on Monday, I'll be developing an iPhone app for Plancast, a social event calendar (similar...
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Blog: Leah Culver's Blog
I'm three weeks into developing my first iPhone application, for Plancast. It's been crazy and fun to try to learn something new so quickly! In case you are thinking of getting started with iPhone development, here's how I got started... First I picked up a copy of the book, iPhone SDK Application Development, by Jonathan Zdziarski. I pretty much picked it up randomly - I made a last-minute stop at borders to get a book on iPhone development to read on a flight. Zdziarski's book looked good and was the skinniest one I could find. Turns out that for such...
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