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DAMN,50 don't like Nashville no more but that's o.k. we got Young Buck getting ready to show why he was the best in G-Unit.50 YOU NEED TO PICK BETTER BEATS!!!
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Don't worry sohh she won't last long.
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Gangstarr as always been Guru and Premo!!!There's no way in hell Guru could have wrote that.I think Solar is thinking about Solar and how can keep Premo from making money from Gangstarr name so he can put it in his pocket.I love Gangstarr from the begining and it hurts to see a person lie on somebody in death.Solar didn't make those beats or write them songs matter of fact you have no history with Gangstarr as a group.Solar if you ever read this post,I ve seen people like you in the streets get killed all the time for unnecessary bullshit that could have been avoided if they would have kept it 100,you will lose Solar in this situation GOD don 't like ugly.GURU WE LOVE YOU AND YOU WILL SORELY MISSED GOD BLESS!!!
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Apr 20, 2010
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Apr 20, 2010