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Queen of Spain
Recent Activity
Wordless Wednesday
I spotted your granny at the Obama rally.
I love you.
That is all.
the blowhard's favorite and mentioned 'idiot huffpo woman'
Because You Haven't Really Arrived As A Feminist Until You've Bitched About Being Condescended To By The New York Times
So, this story is a whole THREE DAYS OLD - which is like 6 months in gossip years - but still. It's not really gossip - it's internet feminist meta-commentary, yo - and it involves US (as in we, your betches, and not the print tabloid that is a mainstay of dentists' waiting rooms and cottage p...
I spent my first blogher breastfeeding my baby and attending sessions. They have childcare, unlike some other conferences, so you can plan for it next year!
As for the swag. I'm bringing stickers and I will be more than HAPPY to mail one out to you. I'm also taking peoples cell phone #s so we can call those who couldn't make it and pass you around the room.
BTW- the SL conference has a cocktail party!
Why The BlogHer Conference Sucks
Because I'm not going to BlogHer, that's why! My head will explode if I have to read how awesome it will be - ONE. MORE. TIME. It seems every time I fire up Feedly I'm reading about shopping for BlogHer, road trips to BlogHer, parties at BlogHer, or the sessions at BlogHer. I just may vomit....
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