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Kevin Arthur
Recent Activity
You may be right that twitter has won, but I'm sticking with both for now. Twitter became unmanageable for me once I was following more than 100 people, in the sense that I couldn't read everything. So now I just dip in occasionally (less and less, actually) which I assume is how most people use twitter anyway. So twitter is good for seeing what's buzzing right now but I miss a lot of stuff. With RSS I don't miss anything but the trouble is keeping up. I prefer reading in old-to-new order which means I'm always several days behind. I guess the problem is just too much stuff on the web.
Fading out RSS, Fading in Twitter
RSS is better than Twitter for keeping up with online reading. But that doesn't really matter, because Twitter has won. So I'm starting to share my posts via Twitter (@whimsley) and will increasingly be following your blog on Twitter or not at all. I will continue to resist sharing anything on F...
Kevin Arthur is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thanks for reviewing this. I had dismissed Zittrain as being in the hacker-purist camp, based on an interview I heard, but it sounds like that was premature.
Review: The Future of the Internet and How To Stop It by Jonathan Zittrain
The New York Times recently asked: Do We Need a New Internet?: At Stanford, where the software protocols for original Internet were designed, researchers are creating a system to make it possible to slide a more advanced network quietly underneath today’s Internet. By the end of the summer it...
I am a slow commenter.
I Am Part Of The Slow Movement. You Are Just Slow.
All this time I thought being unable to post frequently was a limitation, but now I find, thanks to the Sunday newspaper, that it is a virtue. In fact, I appear to be part of the slow blogging movement, which is why it took me two days from reading this to posting it.
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