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Yes, I am disappointed. Sam and Zoe are the heart...
Yes, I am disappointed. Sam and Zoe are the heart and soul of Avatar, and at least earned a nomination. Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2010 at AVATAR
Yeah, I would love to see Avatar, it's cast and...
Yeah, I would love to see Avatar, it's cast and crew, clean the academy's clock so to speak. It's a shame that no matter how hard Jim Cameron tries to convince people that Avatar is NOT animation it seems to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2010 at AVATAR
I believe if it's not broken, don't fix it. I really disliked how the music scores turned out in the star wars prequels because I was so hoping to hear the old favorites.
James Horner did a fantastic job on the Avatar score. It should be carried over.
Do you think James Horner should continue working...
Do you think James Horner should continue working for James Cameron in Avatar 2? Or would you like to ear the work of another composer?
The energy that makes up the living soul requires a physical element in it's creation process. The only hold your soul has on the physical universe is the physical body. When the tie is severed the soul is free to move on. I call it the light, as in the tunnel of light people see in near death experiences. This universe of light co-exist with the physical. it overlaps it, but our physical eyes cannot see it for the most part.
Neytiri's last scene with Jake proved that the...
Neytiri's last scene with Jake proved that the physical shell is just a "vehicle" and the spirit is what counts.
Very well said. I have always believed the soul is born out of the physical body it is created from.While alive, the physical body serves as a vessel for the soul to grow and learn. When the body dies, the indestructible and everlasting energy of the soul carries on in a realm beyond the physical universe.
Neytiri's last scene with Jake proved that the...
Neytiri's last scene with Jake proved that the physical shell is just a "vehicle" and the spirit is what counts.
He is with Eywa, so in essence he is still around.
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I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me.
- Leona Lewis "I See You" video
What is the essential and most important message...
What is the essential and most important message of Avatar. That everything in the universe is miraculous and should be treated with love and care. Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at AVATAR
Avatar is a work of science fiction for entertainment, but its story and characters transcend into the realm of real world opinion on a scale that I have not seen in a major motion picture before.
Directors like Roger Moore must be scratching their heads, they makes movies specifically designed to draw forth powerful emotional responses to real world issues. Yet it pales in comparison to the monstrous flak Avatar has generated. Why?
To me it seems like every frame of this film is under scrutiny. People are drawing every kind of conclusion imaginable to attack Avatar. I think the answer is in the popularity of the movie. So many people liked Avatar that it created a degree of paranoia to any person or organization that felt criticized by the themes presented in the movie.
So much for the old saying that 'truth is stranger then fiction'
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Love it, everybody who said Avatar will flop, Cameron has lost his mind, should be sent a copy!
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If I had to guess, I would say alot of them are thinking this of James Cameron, "How do you make it look so easy?"
I wonder what other director's opinions are of...
I wonder what other director's opinions are of James Cameron. I'm curious.
I do not think Avatar is a chick flick. I do think the romance between Jake and Neytiri certainly influences repeat audiences, but both characters are equally to 'blame' for that.
Many guys find Neytiri highly attractive, Jim Cameron has a long record of making strong leading female roles that go against the grain of your typical Hollywood actress. Jake on the otherhand wins hearts not with muscle but with a solid good nature. Again, entirely against opposite what an action star should be.
Fans see more of themselves in characters like Jake and Neytiri, and they bond to that and to them.
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If you enjoyed Avatar in 2D then, yes, you should make a day of it for a 3D viewing. It will make Pandora stand out for you so much more!
Finally it is weekend :) Anyway, I wonder a thing...
Finally it is weekend :) Anyway, I wonder a thing about Avatar in 3D. It would mean a lot a trouble for me to see Avatar in 3D, because the closest cinema that shows the movie in 3D is around 2 hours away. So for me to get there I would have to take first a bus, then the train... then the movie, ...
I thought Jake and Trudy embodied the highest and most revered traditions of the U.S. marine corps. While many ex-military fought on the side of RDA, I believe most of them were fighting based off lies fed to them by Quaritch, and would have refused to participate if they had known the truth.
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It appears James Cameron and his crew did too good...
It appears James Cameron and his crew did too good a job with capture motion technology, with many outside the fan base thinking the actors were animation. In defense of his actors and the incredible hard work they put in,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at AVATAR
When Jake and Neytiri exchange 'I see you' as...
When Jake and Neytiri exchange 'I see you' as Neytiri cradles the human Jake after placing the gas mask on him. Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at AVATAR
At the Golden Globes James and the cast were wearing the red/yellow ribbons signifying support for Haiti. I don't know any numbers but I am sure James and 20th century fox pitched in.
I was wondering... After the extraordinary world...
I was wondering... After the extraordinary world blockbuster that Avatar has become with over $1.4 BILLIONS in revenues, and... Having Avatar such a deep social and humanitarian content, based mostly in James Cameron's Convictions, as he himself has expressed, which I share... How much are they d...
Yeah, Terminator one and two wouldn't be the same with any other actor.
Was it me, or did it seem like Arnold...
Was it me, or did it seem like Arnold Schwarzenegger was a little too friendly at the Golden Globes and James's Star on the Holleywood walk of fame. I mean like. "I need a job soon, kind of friendly"?
@ T. Katz
I was hoping to touch base with you about a reply you left on a post I made about Na'Vi links. In your reply you said man was'nt against the world in neolithic times. I think your wrong. I think hunter-gatherers struggled everyday for food, and for survival against the elements.
OMG, i followed to that "right-winger's" link...
OMG, i followed to that "right-winger's" link provided in the "The Complete AVATAR Script Online" Message above. If you are easily upset, do NOT go there! I do not know if i should bang my head repeatedly into a wall now for so much stupidity or just laugh. Those morons over there can't See anyth...
Say timeless stories are timeless. Should film makers never make another love story because its been done before? A story need not be original to be successful, it only needs to be told well.
Right, so in my speech class, i have to give a...
Right, so in my speech class, i have to give a rebuttal to someone who has just said "Avatar is exactly like Pocahantas! It isnt worth going to watch!" So what I am going to say is " Pocahantas is like Beethoven's Ode to Joy, played by a 10 year old amateur, but Avatar is like Beethoven's Ode to ...
Jesus Christ taught people to love thy enemy. While your other opinions regarding Miles is fair to say from your perspective, Earth is dying etc, Jesus Christ would never attack anyone.
This post is dedicated to the true hero of the...
This post is dedicated to the true hero of the film "Avatar". Whilst most would instantly jump to the conclusion that I must be referring to one of the Na’vi people or Avatar drivers, this is not the case. The true hero of the film lies in one Colonel Miles Quaritch. Quaritch represents all that ...
Sorry Katz, but you really pressed my button! Your obviously a fan of the movie Avatar. And you care about your world, that is great. But by implying that mankind should never have grown beyond simple hunter gathers is all but giving up.
We define ourselves by our struggle. We are meant to be in this position we are at. We will learn and grow (Avatar being as much a good teacher as everything else positive and noble in our history).
Don't quit now.
The 'Tsahaylu' is a very alien thing. While...
The 'Tsahaylu' is a very alien thing. While Humanity on Earth had to adapt to it's environment to survive, the tsahaylu, or link, means the Na'Vi evolved with symmetry to all things Pandorean and vice versa. This level of interconnection means things like "survival of the fittest" applied on a pl...
Oh and the internet your typing on right now to fire off a reply, well its because we did progress past the neolithic period. Again, we did that without a user manual. Stop hating mankind. We have alot of problems, but were not the bottomless pit of evil just because we decided to step out of the cave.
The 'Tsahaylu' is a very alien thing. While...
The 'Tsahaylu' is a very alien thing. While Humanity on Earth had to adapt to it's environment to survive, the tsahaylu, or link, means the Na'Vi evolved with symmetry to all things Pandorean and vice versa. This level of interconnection means things like "survival of the fittest" applied on a pl...
@ T.Katz
I am sorry you have this idea that life as hunter-gathers was so perfect. I would suggest going without food for a few days and then perhaps you will understand my term of "man against the world."
Mankind never came with an instruction manual. Man made do as best he could. Life was very simple back them but your blinding yourself if you think it was easy!
The 'Tsahaylu' is a very alien thing. While...
The 'Tsahaylu' is a very alien thing. While Humanity on Earth had to adapt to it's environment to survive, the tsahaylu, or link, means the Na'Vi evolved with symmetry to all things Pandorean and vice versa. This level of interconnection means things like "survival of the fittest" applied on a pl...
I only used that term to define major evolutionary steps on Pandora when comparing them to Earth. Like the Extinction of the Dinosaur.
I do not know how old the Na'Vi are as a species. A million years, a billion years. Were they they once more like our felines, if so, when did they begin walking upright and why? When did they develop language? etc etc.
Those kinds of questions we can look back on man's evolution and say environment, or diet, or whatever, caused these changes. It was man against the world. Man struggling everyday. But the Na'Vi present a much more, i'm gonna coin another one, intelligent design. Given the scope of what Eywa is capable of doing in the movie, its not impossible for the modern Na'Vi to have evolved at all. They came that way out of the box-so to speak, employing all the best traits Eywa knew.
The 'Tsahaylu' is a very alien thing. While...
The 'Tsahaylu' is a very alien thing. While Humanity on Earth had to adapt to it's environment to survive, the tsahaylu, or link, means the Na'Vi evolved with symmetry to all things Pandorean and vice versa. This level of interconnection means things like "survival of the fittest" applied on a pl...
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