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Rachael Gentry
Recent Activity
My fav accessory is a fun headband! i have short hair and it just makes it a cute and finished look!
Basil the Cat Giveaway
I'm very excited to have a special giveaway to share with you! I am a minimal jewelry person and don't wear much of it at all. I admire beautiful pieces but always seems to keep my accessories extremely simple. However this K necklace is a staple of mine and I have one to giveaway today. W...
Hey Steph, been following you for a while now. I love how real our blog is. Also my Ava and your adie make many of the same silly faces, cracks me up!!
J asked me how many readers I have. And I truly don't know! I mean, I can make an educated guess...sitemeter tells me a bit. But I don't think it includes subscribers (in other words, those of you who get my blog posts in your inbox and then don't have to actually click on my blog). Here's whe...
Rachael Gentry is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 3, 2010
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