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For sure this film will score a success, because of special effects, script and with a great story, is played on another planet, also known as Pandora. Also I will add that the creators of this film, do not forget about various animal species that inhabit this planet and to this beautiful fairy landscape, where everything urozmaicili where other films by other directors and writers it is simply no such accuracy, and this movie is all taken into consideration and I hope that it will gain success.
Hello, I have this question about the movie...
Hello, I have this question about the movie "Avatar," whether the film ends on a single episode, or will the next part? because it promises to be really excellent, I can not wait for the premiere!
Hello, I have this question about the movie...
Hello, I have this question about the movie "Avatar," whether the film ends on a single episode, or will the next part? because it promises to be really excellent, I can not wait for the premiere! Continue reading
Posted Nov 26, 2009 at AVATAR
Rafal is now following AVATAR
Nov 26, 2009
Rafal is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 26, 2009
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