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I'm a twenty something, soon to be married, art loving crazy lady.
Interests: Pride and Prejudice, The Catcher In The Rye, Music, Art, Photography, Painting, Naps with my love
Recent Activity
I wanted to thank everyone for their opinions regarding the wedding gift!! I really appreciate the feedback I got. I am going to work with the color saturation one (aka the third one) and place those over the top of black and white photos of memorable places we've been and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Rainy Sundays
RainySundays is now following Design Editor
Mar 1, 2011
A Wedding Present
I was pondering at work today what I would like to give Danial... (and myself) for our wedding present and I came up with an idea that I'm pretty pleased with. It would be a mixed media piece, fairly large in scale... lots of texture... basically a large scale collage.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2011 at Rainy Sundays
RainySundays is now following "miss" james
Feb 27, 2011
RainySundays is now following Joy
Feb 27, 2011
RainySundays is now following SouleMama
Feb 27, 2011
Loving the sound of rain. . .
I recently picked up the newest issue of Somerset Studio and am completely crazy about it. I have spent much of my lazy Sunday being sick with a cold and happily curled up with my fiancé sniffling and reading about techniques on how to recreate all the lovely visual eye... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2011 at Rainy Sundays
RainySundays is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 27, 2011
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