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Tuscan Rose
Specializing in hand dyed fabric and unique one of a kind bags, quilts, and journals.
Interests: Hand dyed fabric, quilts, art, creating unique one of a kind hand made bags and totes.
Recent Activity
Knitting needles have points and yarn, you could tangle in, nothing is safe,
I had a friend telling a joke after a dinner with friends and fell over dead from an aneurysm,. I am a firm believer than when it's your time to go, it's then. I prefer living on the edge than living a life wrapped in bubble wrap.
News from Sacha
For those of you who do not follow me on Facebook Sacha said: "It was quite a ride ! I was able to face the slope in time to try to ski off to the side but it got too big too fast. Luckly I was able to stay standing most of the way (snow up to my shoulders though) but hit a small tree and lost...
My favorite address was a little beach cottage on Captain Hook Lane in Jamacia Beach where most of the streets were named after pirates, mermaids and sea lore
The Meaning of Cute Signs, or How Not to be French
The impasse that we live on does not have a street sign, though it is has a name that nobody in our village knows of. Instead they refer to it as, "Where Monsieur Dupont use to live." To complicate the matter the post man did not know our street, and yet the postal service insisted that we us...
Her twin sister who was separated at birth works at my post office, here in the US.
The Cost of Shipping from France
Fourteen people waiting, only one line open. That was how the morning began at the post office. When it was my turn, the postal worker looked at me with a soured face, looked at the box said something under her breath, then looked back at me. It wasn't a good sign. Though I had ca...
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