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Ramsey Amin, DDS
Burbank, CA
Ramsey A. Amin, D.D.S. offers complete dental implant treatment from start to finish. There is no need to go from one office to another! We offer dental implants, bone reconstruction and porcelain teeth. Given Dr. Amin's vast store of knowledge and experience, patients feel confident that they are receiving expert care with minimum inconvenience.
Interests: teeth!
Recent Activity
Full mouth dentistry with dental implants and crowns can get very complex. I treated this patient in my Burbank office with nine dental implants and a total of more than 20 crowns. The full mouth reconstruction involved the upper and lower teeth and opening the bite to be taller. The three minute audio recording will guide you through the patient's case from start to finish. (click link to listen) Download Ramsey Amin Blog Audio Besides nine dental implants, sinus lift bone graft and bone widening was done. All work was done while he slept under IV sedation in my office.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Dentures lift and move and dental implant overdentures can too! In this video shot in my Burbank office, I review some of the common problems that can lead to a denture supported with dental implants to lift up when you chew. Your anatomy can also contribute to a denture that moves. Careful planning and an understanding of your unique situation can help reduce or eliminate your denture or overdenture from lifting. Dental implants are the best denture adhesive! Ramsey A. Amin, D.D.S. Diplomate of the American Board of Oral Implantology /Implant Dentistry Fellow of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Your sinuses are big hollow holes above your upper teeth. The roots of your upper back teeth are really close to your sinus. In order to have dental implants in that area, sometimes a sinus lift bone graft is necessary to treat the expanded sinus. Whether you live in Burbank ,Glendale or Los Angeles, all of our sinuses pretty much expand when teeth are lost. When you lose your teeth, your sinus expands. This destroys the bone needed to have dental implants. When these upper teeth are removed, there is often just a paper thin wall of bone separating the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Immediate dental implants are those that are placed at the same time the tooth is extracted. In my Burbank dental office, I have been placing immediate implants for the last eleven years. Typically immediate implants can be done for almost any tooth from the middle bicuspid area forward. I also place immediate implants into the molar areas when the situation is just right. This can save you money and time if the dental implants can be placed at the same time the teeth are extracted. The bone of the extraction socket needs to be mostly intact with bone around. Often... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Full porcelain dental implant crowns can be made of many materials. All porcelain dental implant crowns can be zirconia, feldspathic, leucite, alumina, lithium disilicate (E.max) or several other types. Most of my Burbank patients usually tell me they thought there was only one type of porcelain around. It can also change the cost of your treatment. It is really important to choose the right porcelain for your dental implant crown. How the crown is made is AS IMPORTANT AS THE SURGERY! I make it a point to let my patients know there is a difference and this choice has to... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Google, Yelp and other review sites are great. But, sometimes they do not show all reviews, because they keep changing the way reviews and patient ratings are posted on the internet. Nowadays, most patients search the internet for an implant dentist or medical doctor. Below are, un-edited reviews from my patients if you want to learn about me. I have really been privileged to have cared for all of you...Thank you!!!!!! If you would like to write a review, please follow the links to google, yelp or my Facebook page. Thank you! Video testimonial reviews can be found by clicking... Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Thin gums area major cause of gum recession and can cause problems with dental implants too. You are genetically given the thickness of your gums. When it comes to dental implants…the thicker the gums the better. This is also true for natural teeth. This video explains some of the important issues. When someone has receding or thin gums, I can surgically correct this by a gum graft. So if the gum is too thin, it can be thickened. Here is a photo of a gum graft I did to cover the root of this long tooth. There are a couple... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Dental implants are excellent for replacing molarswhich are located in the back of your mouth. Your molars are CRUCIAL to your long term dental health. Even missing just one molar will set you up for problems to come. Multiple missing molars create dental disasters that can become costly to reconstruct. Molars with root canals are often lost. Sometimes you just lose root canal tooth because it fractures; splitting down the middle. Other times, the crown of a root canal tooth, breaks off, leaving the root only. The root often does not have enough left to make a new crown so... Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Sedation or sleep dentistry is extremely safe. In fact, I do this 1-2 times a day (mostly by intravenous IV sedation). Having the right monitors while you are “asleep” is necessary. A pulse oximeter is a device that attaches to your finger while you are sedated and tells me how much oxygen is in your blood stream. Knowing this number is critical for safety. Many patients have all types of dental work done while they are “knocked out.” For many patients I see, fear is a big factor in avoiding basic care such as dental implants, crowns, fillings or even... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Snap in dentures is a term some patients use when they come to see me for dental implant dentures in Burbank. There is a product called the "snap on smile" that is not related to implant dentistry. Snap in dentures are dental implant overdentures. That means they go over dental implants. The more implants you have the more stable the dentures. Just as important to the number of implants is the spacing between the implants. The more space between the implants, the better. Overdentures are not fixed bridges. Snap in/on implants are dentures! It is important to remember that. They... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
A bone graft for immediate single implants is often needed. Most immediate implants are for single rooted teeth like your front and middle back teeth (premolars.) In my Burbank dental implant practice, this type of bone graft is common. Most implants are round in shape. Most extraction sockets are oval or rectangular if they are molars. When I place an immediate implant into an extraction socket there may be a void. That void is caused by the different shape between the round implant and the larger, non-round extraction socket. See diagram below. That void often needs to be grafted with... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Titanium mesh is one of many techniques I use in my Burbank dental implant practice to rebuild (graft) lost bone. Titanium mesh is sometimes referred to as “ti-mesh.” It looks like a screen as shown in this picture. It acts as a barrier and physical support of the gums over the bone graft. I place and bend it to shape between the gum and the bone to act as a tent. The “tent” holds the shape of the bone while the bone graft material and PRP work to grow new bone. It is held in with bone screws. With tooth... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
A patient in my Burbank office asked me about the long-term with implants. Dental implant complications can occur. Most focus on the surgery, but what I am talking about is what happens later down the road. Later, meaning after the crown, bridge or full implant restoration has been attached to the implants. This video reviews two problems that can occur with a dental implant months or years down the road. Keep in mind that "regular dentistry" has complications too. Fillings break, crowns wear out, root canals become lose their seal, etc...unfortunately nothing is forever. But with good upkeep and regular... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
The main qualifier for having dental implants is having enough bone. If you don’t have enough bone, the bone can be rebuilt. If you don’t have enough gum, that can be added back too. The following x-rays show two extremes for purposes of educating you if you are considering having dental implants or are about to lose a tooth. The first shows my jaw and the second shows a jaw with almost complete bone loss. All of the chin bone is gone too! Yikes! Have you ever heard the old adage “what you don’t use, you lose?” This applies to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Back molar teeth can have immediate implants! This means that the same day a molar is extracted, an implant can be put in the socket. When it is possible, this saves you money by avoiding the cost of a second procedure or bone graft. Besides cost, it also saves you time because you don't have to "extract, then let it heal for 2-4 months." You want your tooth as soon as possible! In order to do an immediate implant for a back molar tooth a large, wide diameter implant must be used. Super Wide Diameter Implants (6.0mm and larger) -reduces... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Many people lose all of their back teeth on the upper or the lower jaw. Implant fixed bridges can replace your back teeth. My patient had broken the teeth on her upper bridge. When that happens, the whole bridge fails and the teeth need to be extracted. The other side had no teeth at all. What you are looking at are the broken, decayed roots. The orange dots inside the teeth are root canal remnants. The upper back teeth often time take the longest of all the teeth to replace. This is because the bone is very soft in this... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Are you afraid of needles and drills? Does the sound of the drill bother you? It is common for many patients to feel nervous or anxious about their dental procedures. Whether you are having a dental implant, filling, crown or deep cleaning, dentistry can be very scary. You are not alone! What is Sedation and Anesthesia? During dental procedures local anesthesia (Novocaine) is administered to block pain sensations. However, the anxiety that some people need to be controlled by administering sedative drugs, such as Valium type medications. A sedated patient may remember the procedures, but usually does not. How is... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Immediate dental implants are amazing. Your tooth can be replaced in about an hour. This patient found me from the Burbank Leader Newspaper's "Best of Burbank" issue (Best Dentist). He had a Maryland bridge for his front tooth that kept falling out. It was also very unattractive to him. Using intravenous sedation, a dental implant and a temporary crown was done. I purposely keep the edge of the temp shorter for the first three months after the surgery to prevent overloading the bone. That can cause the implant to fail. (If you can't see the video use this link -- Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
The best dental implant teeth crowns can be made in a variety of ways. The teeth can be made separately, like natural teeth or connected as bridges. This post refers to having more than one implant next to another. In my Burbank dental implant practice, I restore the crowns or bridges for dental implants in a variety of ways depending on your unique situation. Everyone usually wants separate individual teeth. Separate dental implant crowns allow you to floss normally between your teeth. Another advantage is that if the porcelain crown breaks or is damaged, it is easily repaired or replaced... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
"When should a denture be replaced?" “Can I replace my dentures with dental implants or an implant overdenture?” These are two questions that patients in my Burbank, California office ask on a routine basis. There are instances where your dentures may have been replaced after 1 year or less, and on the opposite side of the spectrum, there are people who have worn the same dentures for 25 or more years. These ranges obviously are extremes. Between four to eight years is the ideal. This would seem to imply that the average denture fabricated from contemporary materials will wear out... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2011 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Dental implants have “pockets” around them just like our teeth do. Healthy pockets around teeth are 2-3 millimeters while implants have pockets that can be healthy up to 6mm. Warning signs of deep pockets and gum disease include the following: Red, swollen or tender gums or other pain in your mouth Bleeding while brushing, flossing, or eating hard food Gums that are receding or pulling away from the teeth, causing the teeth to look longer Loose or separating teeth Pus between your gums, implants or teeth Sores in your mouth Persistent bad breath A change in the way your teeth... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2010 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
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The first picture tells the whole story. My patient came to see me in Burbank and she said "I have loose crown and I hope it is savable." She had another tooth break about a year earlier. What you are looking at is a broken tooth. Actually the root is broken. So it wasn't the crown that was loose, the whole root was broken. This is an upper premolar tooth (#13) that is located on the left side usually 3rd from the back if you don't have your wisdom teeth. This tooth often looks "slanted in" when a minor detail... Continue reading
Posted Nov 28, 2010 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Some bone grafts for dental implants take longer to heal than others. In this video, I cover several factors that determine how long your bone graft takes to heal. Remember that many times the bone grafts and dental implants can be done simultaneously. Factors Number of walls missing Upper or lower jaw Type of bone material Membrane type Block or particulate bone Rebuilding height, width or both Concurrent gum graft Most bone grafts are ready for dental implants 4 months after the surgery. Some will need 7 - 9 months. Feel free to ask questions below! Ramsey A. Amin, D.D.S.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog
Dental implant specialist??? Burbank's Ramsey Amin, DDS is a credentialed member in both of the organizations mentioned below: AAID wins legal battle in California; Credentials ruled bona fide by U.S. District Court Judge John Mendez of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California on Friday, October 15, 2010 ruled unconstitutional the California statute that effectively restricted the advertising of AAID and ABOI/ID credentials. In his written opinion, the Judge stated "...American Academy of Implant Dentistry and the ABOI/ID (The American Board of Oral Implantology / Implant Dentistry) are in every facet of the word legitimate, bona... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Dental Implant Dentistry Blog