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Hey, Dolphin fans, get ready for a thorough whupping this week courtesy of the "Superbowl bound Chargers". The word in town is that this game is already counted as an easy win along with the game against the Broncos. In fact, it has been quoted that the real NFL Season doesn't begin for the "Super Chargers" till the game against the NY Jets. What a bunch of disrespect!! The ONLY way to address this disrespect is to go into San Diego and knock some teeth out and come away with a victory. They are ripe for the picking, just ask the Chiefs which almost took them down last week. Just put some pressure on Rivers as he doesn't like to get hit or dirty. Don't worry, he will be talking some smack to you guys so this "upset" will be especially sweet. Look for the dump offs to the running backs and watch out for "the constant deep pass to Jackson" they are one dimensional. Live and die by the pass. Good luck!!
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Sep 28, 2011