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Steven Sando
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Steven Sando added a favorite at Ruth Reichl
May 9, 2014
OK. Vegan before six is no miracle weight loss solution. I've proven that you can follow the program and easily not lose weight. But I'm not giving up. My pitfalls seem to be office lunches. When anyone asks if they can pick up something I always chime in that I'm... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
This was a new one on me. Check out this video. \ I was intrigued and I had to try it. One internet commenter asked why one would bother. Why not just make them in a pressure cooker? For me, some beans like baby limas or garbanzos, I just want... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
When I think I am too busy to think through a vegan meal, I must always remember dandelions. These were red-stemmed greens with a very soft stalk. No tomatoes. Just as they were cooking down I added a large dallop of the chile sauce mentioned below. Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
Yunuen from Xoxoc was very excited when she told me about a special pinole (peen-oh-lay) made from heirloom blue corn. I wasn't 100 percent sure what to do with it but I knew if vaguelly had something to do with a kind of atole drink, not unlike gruel. It turns... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
I've had a lot of requests for this. It's the stuff that keeps me going. This batch was made with 4 ancho chiles and 2 mulatos, because that's what I had on hand. Anchos are dried poblano chiles (those large, meaty green chiles most often associated here with chile relleno)... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
How do you improve something as divine as Mexican chocolate? Let me tell you. Many indigenous people drink it made with water. I have tried and it's fine but really, I need the hot milk to really be sent to the moon. Well, a wise friend told me to try... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
It's easy dishes like this that make me think I can do Vegan Before Six indefinitely. My weight loss has ended and it's a little frustrating but I'm putting next to no effort into it and I do feel better so I continue. This clay pot is from Rancho La... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
My friend (and lucky me, neighbor), Connie Green of the Wine Forest, keeps me in mushrooms. I really have my technique down: while my pan is heating, I chop the mushrooms, garlic and toss with salt and cover with olive oil. Then I fry the mess on high, tossing frequently.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
I was trying to make the Spicy Moroccan Carrot Salad from Ottolenghi's Plenty but I lacked most of the ingredients. So I fudged and this is what happened. 2 lbs carrots 1/2 cup olive oil 1 medium white onion, chopped small 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 serrano chile, finely... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
For breakfast, a taco of summer squash and chaac beans. I pan fried the cubed zucchini and then tossed in some of the previously cooked beans. Made a fine taco but I wouldn't serve it for company. Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
Mushrooms, resting in some olive oil. So this seems to be working. I haven't given it much thought and I haven't been "working" on it. I've switched to a mostly vegan diet before six and the only real pain is that you must plan lunch. You can't face the day... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
Given the choice, I'd have a cigarette and coffee for breakfast. That's not really practical anymore so I search for Plan B. Using guidelines from the book, I made my own granola or muesli or whatever it is. To plain rolled oats I added toasted pumpkin seeds and toasted cashew... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
I went on a road trip with my youngest son and for the sake of peace and getting on with life, I had to leave behind VB6. The first thing I noticed was given the chance to eat anything, I overate everything. If nothing else, VB6 makes you aware of... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
I love vegetables in a chile sauce. I like enchiladas. I love meat in a chile sauce. I love chiles. These are simply par-boiled summer squash heating up in a chile sauce I'd made the night before. The chiles were kind of rare costeños I bought in Oaxaca. The clay... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
When I announced to a few friends that I was going to do this, some rushed in with great ideas. This cashew spread is supposed to be a "cheese" substitute. As a cheese, it fails miserably. As something delicious to spread on a tortilla? It's great. My friend Celeste says... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana
I am in my early 50s, fat and ready to lose weight. In my head, I think I eat well and not so much but clearly this isn't true. Ever since I quit smoking at 40, the weight has been a huge issue for me and it seems to be... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2013 at Vegan Before 6 a la Mexicana