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Thanks, Adam. I hope to be doing so from Brazil next year.
The Party's Over
I have run this blog for ten years now, but recently I have been posting extremely rarely as I have simply not had the requisite combination of time and energy to continue this project. So thank you to all who stopped by to read, whether you agreed or not. I expect to be back in the near future ...
Make that Monday
Some Unfinished Business . . .
. . . regarding the object in this photo. If you're interested in an explanation, contact me offline and I'll explain why.
Well it does say 10Plus and as I was there for twenty years I believe they hedged their bets.
Actually you guys were at our place when I got it. I sent to back to the COO at ASCAP on Momday.
Some Unfinished Business . . .
. . . regarding the object in this photo. If you're interested in an explanation, contact me offline and I'll explain why.
Slartibartfast FTW!
In1988 I worked organizing a celebration of Human Rights Day for Amnesty International. One of the celebrants was the Polish jazz pianist, Adam Makowicz, whose agent called and went over the requirements. The first one she mentioned was that the piano MUST be tuned to A440.
Makowicz, played beautifully, including a lovely rendition of Billy Strayhorn's "A Flower Is a Lovesome Thing."
Your circular breathing Friday open thread
by liberal japonicus I happened to come across this youtube vid, nice funky song. Trombone Shorty, according to his wikipedia page, either started playing trombone at the age of 6 or started fronting a band at that age, though I suppose, given the way he plays, both are possible. But below the ...
The thing that I especially took away from the Metheny commentary, as someone who played saxophone, is the comment about him playing off key. I always suspected that and I'm glad to see someone credible confirm it.
Your circular breathing Friday open thread
by liberal japonicus I happened to come across this youtube vid, nice funky song. Trombone Shorty, according to his wikipedia page, either started playing trombone at the age of 6 or started fronting a band at that age, though I suppose, given the way he plays, both are possible. But below the ...
Thankfully, Richard Thompson's bit about Kenny G is available here.
Your circular breathing Friday open thread
by liberal japonicus I happened to come across this youtube vid, nice funky song. Trombone Shorty, according to his wikipedia page, either started playing trombone at the age of 6 or started fronting a band at that age, though I suppose, given the way he plays, both are possible. But below the ...
Everything about Kenny G is a gimmick. Nobody filleted Kenny G better than Pat Metheny. No one.
Your circular breathing Friday open thread
by liberal japonicus I happened to come across this youtube vid, nice funky song. Trombone Shorty, according to his wikipedia page, either started playing trombone at the age of 6 or started fronting a band at that age, though I suppose, given the way he plays, both are possible. But below the ...
You left out "Hail Mary."
A Brief Rant
My God, is there anything more lazy in our discourse than the constant overuse of sports metaphors in conversation? I swear I think I'm going to flatten the next person who uses the term "slam dunk" when they mean certain.
I used to go to my dad's house and cut his grass after I left home.
What Matters
I'm not bothered by the fact that Mitt Romney used a gardening firm to cut his lawn that employed undocumented immigrants, nor should anyone be bothered by that. What they should be bothered by is the fact that a family with five sons did not have one who would deign to cut grass. Is there any g...
Scott Wyant,
The Best Thread in the History of the Internet
by Doctor Science ... or this week, anyway. Chris Clarke and Abi Sutherland are having an old-fashioned jammin' and stampin' poetry SMACKdown. It began thus:Abi Sutherland - May I serve you a peach, sir? I do like the way you're wearing those white flannel trousers; rolling them definitely suits ...
A few years ago I saw a comedian recite "The Love Song of J. Fredrick Flintstone." I don't remember most of it, but the end was something like this:
In the room the women walk right through -
Saying yabba dabba doo.
The Best Thread in the History of the Internet
by Doctor Science ... or this week, anyway. Chris Clarke and Abi Sutherland are having an old-fashioned jammin' and stampin' poetry SMACKdown. It began thus:Abi Sutherland - May I serve you a peach, sir? I do like the way you're wearing those white flannel trousers; rolling them definitely suits ...
I speak Portuguese fluently, having a base of Spanish at the intermediate level. I took but one course, that I frankly, found deficient and have merely relied on immersing myself over the years.
Don't be afraid to be corrected, don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Your ni3 hao3 Friday open thread
by liberal japonicus In the post on Michael Irvin and bravery, Slart let slip that he studied a little Mandarin and several other folks popped up. Chinese is a wall I have taken a run at three times and am starting on a 4th and I am starting to feel like Pvt. Pyle, Vincent D'Onofrio character in...
Sorry for your loss, Rob.
Remembering Steve Hatch
“Membranes.” That was the punch line to a rather weak attempt at a dirty joke by Steve Hatch. I remember this moment as it occurred on the football practice field at Saginaw St. Peter & Paul, one day in the fall of 1981, during my junior year. As Steve Hatch was a senior and co-captain, ...
There is no greater way to relax IMHO than to lie in a hammock outside on a covered verandah in a tropical location while a gentle rain with occasional rumblings of thunder punctuate the rainfall.
Your Friday rainy season thread
Japan, my students tell me dutifully, is a country with 4 seasons, but I have never figured out which one they take out to make room for the rainy season. Fortunately, I was prepared for the whole concept by these torrential downpours we used to have in Southern Mississippi, but other places in ...
Actually, they have a cut of meat called prego, which means spike and they serve it always on or with something: prego no prato (on a plate), prego no pao (in bread) and prego com batatas (with potatoes).
Check and Double Check Those Translations
I took this photo near our hotel in Porto. I'm not entirely certain what dish on the first line this was a mistranslation of, but it doesn't sound very appealing:
Re: Gil Scott-Heron: it's in the works.
A Belated Birthday Wish
On our last day in Lisbon, Mércia and I were on the subway and noticed the following ad, donated by the Lisbon Metro system as part of their social responsibility program: The first set of photos shows the prison photo of Carlos Coutinho, an opponent of the dictatorship in Portugal and a vigor...
For the record, I'm sure that Dinesh D'Souza, Victor Davis Hanson, Donald Rumsfeld, Ed Meese, Condeleeza Rice and George Shultz, among others would be surprised that they are feelows at an institution founded by and named after a statist . . .
Something I Meant to Comment On
The New York Times made a very bad omission in this article on broadcasters reaction to the possibility of having to surrender some of their spectrum for cell phone and wireless internet use. Here is the omission: broadcasters did not pay a dime for the 40 to 70 billion dollars worth of digital ...
He made that comment when he was Secretary of Commerce in the Coolidge administration. I could not imagine Coolidge - or for that matter, Hoover, who effectively fiddled while America burned from 1929 to 1933 - really being considered a statist.
Something I Meant to Comment On
The New York Times made a very bad omission in this article on broadcasters reaction to the possibility of having to surrender some of their spectrum for cell phone and wireless internet use. Here is the omission: broadcasters did not pay a dime for the 40 to 70 billion dollars worth of digital ...
Not really, only because spectrum is usually auctioned for cash, thus there is a direct value to the spectrum that was given away.
Something I Meant to Comment On
The New York Times made a very bad omission in this article on broadcasters reaction to the possibility of having to surrender some of their spectrum for cell phone and wireless internet use. Here is the omission: broadcasters did not pay a dime for the 40 to 70 billion dollars worth of digital ...
Thanks, Akaky. That was interesting!
Points to Ponder
As some on my side of the political aisle seem very encouraged about what's taking place in Libya and while I certainly have nothing but contempt for Muammar Ghadafi, I have to acknowledge a sense of unease about the whole enterprise. My chief concern is about the endgame. As Admiral Mullen has ...
For the record "we" (i.e. the USA), cannot drag Ghadafi to the Hague as we are not a signatory to the International Criminal Court. Just another fine example of American exceptionalism.
Points to Ponder
As some on my side of the political aisle seem very encouraged about what's taking place in Libya and while I certainly have nothing but contempt for Muammar Ghadafi, I have to acknowledge a sense of unease about the whole enterprise. My chief concern is about the endgame. As Admiral Mullen has ...
Agreed, but I believe that in the area of volume, the right wins this content.
Like Flies to Feces
The right seems to atttract the loony:
Regarding guest blogging, I may very well take you up on it. I have been extremely swamped at work for the past few months and had some personal/health issues that arose and demanded my attention. Nothing serious, but it resulted in less time available for blogging.
I'll keep you posted. Thanks.
Speak To The Kitty: NEW OBWI EMAIL ADDRESS And Open Thread
by Gary Farber Longtime and valued commenter Uncle Kvetch asked an extremely important question here. [...] While it was nice seeing a united front of commenters taking on avedis' all-too-familiar mix of dick-waving bravado and abject sexual terror, I do find myself wondering just what constitu...
A lovely, moving tribute that succeeds because the sense of loss is so palpable.
Well done, Gary.
MAJ. Andrew Olmsted
by Gary Farber Andrew Olmsted was my friend. He honored me with that. He's in my thoughts, every day, several times a day. Please forgive me for being very personal in this post. I am also apt to edit it and change some of it. Hilzoy on January 04, 2008: Andrew Olmsted, who also posted ...
Amen - and happy new year.
Life in the Big City
I have never understood why those on the right fetishize CEO's as potential governors, mayors and presidents. Aside from the track record being spotty - and I believe I'm being charitable here; consider our immediate prior president - the two roles do not mesh well. CEO's don't have to compromis...
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