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Emily Moss
Recent Activity
Oh, that is such a cool idea!!! Thanks so much for writing and sharing Tracy! emily xo
Toggle Commented Nov 22, 2010 on Necessary Repairs at Ravenhill
that is it exactly! It takes so much time to find another pair that fits! I would prefer to stay home (especially now that it is so cold outside!) and sit under a warm blanket and do a few stitches here and there. emily
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2010 on Necessary Repairs at Ravenhill
Hi Susan! Thank you so much! It isnt slippery. We have an old fashioned linoleum floor with fine groves in it so the mat stays put on it. Our bathroom floor is the original from when our home was built. It is so old that it will soon be back in style I am sure! It works very well and since I am a stay at home mom we dont have a fortune sitting around to remodel... emily xo
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2010 on Quilted at Ravenhill
What an amazong spot! You are so very fortunate! Thanks for sharing your breathtaking surroundings. emily xo
Toggle Commented Nov 8, 2010 on I Love Where I Live at Such Things
Hi karin! Great to hear from you! Thanks for your nice words! No, we dont have wooden floors in our bathroom. I tried to photograph it in the bathroom but the light there is terrible and the colors on the pictures then turned out all wrong. So I photogrpahed it in the livingroom instead next to the window. emily xo
Toggle Commented Nov 8, 2010 on Quilted at Ravenhill
Hi Heidi! Hey, that was nice to hear that you got inspired by this humble project! I never use any iron-on stuff behind my appliqués. I find the iron on things a bit tedious, just another extra step. I simply pin it where I want it and stitch. It seems to work well enough. hugs from Emily
Toggle Commented Nov 5, 2010 on Lady Luck and salvaging embroidery at Ravenhill
Wonderous views! This time of year is so pretty isn't it?
1 reply
Oh, Thank you Amanda! I am blushing, because we dont have a TV and I am hopelessly clueless as to what program you are writing about? Is it a crafty program? hugs from Emily xo
Toggle Commented Nov 4, 2010 on Red and White Delight at Ravenhill
I am working on my 4th quilt. None of them have been very big though. :)
Oh, fabulous shots!!! I love the light in the dark room. Enjoy all the fun with the kids!
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2010 on Halloween is on it's way... at Such Things
Amanda!! Shes yours and she is absolutely thrilled to be coming to live with you!!! Thank you so much for your sweet words about my latest creation. You are so sweet! hugs back to you from Emily xo
Toggle Commented Oct 29, 2010 on Winter's arrival at Ravenhill
wow, HAPPY anniversary!!! Three years is a long time! Your blog is wonderful- I know it takes lots of dedication and hard work. Please enjoy many more wonderful years blogging! hugs from Emily xo
1 reply
Well, Melissa, when a fat quarter costs about $7.50 it gets easier to be strong. Yes, that is the price in Norway! (It might be actually 1/3 meter, but still, it is so pricy compared to US prices!) emily xo
Toggle Commented Oct 21, 2010 on Quilt night at Ravenhill
Thank you so much Cath! I found the fabric strips on ebay. :) emily xx
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2010 on Fabric strips to pouch at Ravenhill
Thanks so much Valarie! I would love to make pillows with some of these strips...
Toggle Commented Oct 19, 2010 on Fabric strips to pouch at Ravenhill
How pefectly lovely. I always look forward to your posts and your fabulous photography. I hope you are enjoying your weekend too. emily xo
Toggle Commented Oct 17, 2010 on Friday Flowers at a creative mint
1 reply
Oh, wow, another great idea! Cloth weaving would be really cool to try. Thanks Jan for your brainstorming! emily xo
Toggle Commented Oct 16, 2010 on Fabric strips to pouch at Ravenhill
Happy Birthday to you dear Melissa! I hope you will find the 30's to be ever so delightful! I must say they were a wonderful decade, quite a relief actually after the more stressful 20's. Hugs to you! emily xo
Toggle Commented Oct 15, 2010 on a birthday giveaway at tiny happy
1 reply
Oh, Jacqueline! That is a perfectly marvelous idea!!! I think I will try that out! Thank you!!!! emily xo
Toggle Commented Oct 15, 2010 on Fabric strips to pouch at Ravenhill
Melissa, I never thought of braiding them. Really cool! Maybe I will try that. Then what shall I do with the braids??? emily xo
Toggle Commented Oct 14, 2010 on Fabric strips to pouch at Ravenhill
Amanda, that is a really great idea! Thanks so much! emily xo
Toggle Commented Oct 14, 2010 on Fabric strips to pouch at Ravenhill
Hi Yvette! Yes, those are cables, probably quite the wasted effort since cables are so hard to see on black. I think the cables will keep me warmer though, it seems to thicken the knitting nicely. My cables are really simple too. The complicated ones I have done before and they aren't so hard, in my opinion, they just take a long time! hugs to you too! emily
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2010 on Black and white at Ravenhill
Hi Susan! Thanks so much! That was really sweet of you! emily xo
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2010 on Fall break and knitting at Ravenhill
lovely finds and your embroidery is so wonderful! Wishing you a most happy spring!
Toggle Commented Oct 5, 2010 on a tangle at tiny happy
1 reply
Happy cozy time with the little chicks at home! hugs from Emily xo
Toggle Commented Sep 27, 2010 on daisies at tiny happy
1 reply