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Dee Ravenztarot
Recent Activity
I would use twiggy buttons; How fun with braided loops, I would like to see you pick the advance dress #2
Idée fixe
My latest idée fixe is to make a shirtdress out of this new Joel Dewberry fabric (Woodgrain in Vintage Yellow). (Faux bois idée fixe is probably the longest French phrase I can manage.) I don't know why -- as with most of my dress-related brainstorms, it falls under the category of "it seemed ...
yeah i just got my books!
Style Stitches Monthly Bag Challenge 2011-January's Bag
Happy new year! It's January, let's get this challenge started! We will be making the COSMO BAG from Chapter 1. There is just one size for the bag, but you need to decide if you want short or long handles. Consider how you will use the bag and make a decision! Fabrics for COSMO BAG--- We...
making a jacket for my brothers costume and finishing up the out of towners gifts.....
The Holiday Goodness Giveaways continue with Gutermann Thread and 1,000 Clever Sewing Shortcuts and Tips
I hope the holidays were absolutely fabulous for you! I am looking forward to this year of creativity sew much. To kick off the new year I have a New Year's Holiday Goodness Giveaway for you! Enter to win a 26 spool pack of Gütermann Thread and the perfect companion book 1,000 ...
i just ordered my book and i get it next week, i am getting my fabric ready and have to go get my interfacing! yeah!!!!!!
Style Stitches Monthly Bag Challenge 2011-January's Bag
Happy new year! It's January, let's get this challenge started! We will be making the COSMO BAG from Chapter 1. There is just one size for the bag, but you need to decide if you want short or long handles. Consider how you will use the bag and make a decision! Fabrics for COSMO BAG--- We...
Dee Ravenztarot is now following Jemellia
Dec 27, 2010
I use the dragon deck and Crows Magick............I love these i have several copies........
The spookiest reading was all swords...
Decks for Halloween (And a Giveaway!)
oooooOOOOOooooo Mad scientists, vampires, werewolves and creaky doors... Icy winds, scraping twigs, laughing ghouls and headless horsemen... Frenzied bats, bubbling cauldrons, candy corn and rattling bones... BOO! Were you scared? Nah, I didn't think so. So Happy Halloween to you, spooktacular...
Dee Ravenztarot is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 21, 2010
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