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Ravit Lichtenberg
Recent Activity
The Social Enterprise: Best Practices for Tomorrow's Enterprise
This week I presented at the ReadWriteWeb 2-Way Summit in NYC. The topic: the evolution of how leading enterprises will be using social media. Yes, the majority of enterprises is still in the “Try” mode; It still considers succeeding in... Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2011 at Ustrategy
Groupon IPO is about Much More. First Signs of What’s to Come
Just a couple of weeks back, Linkedin announced it was going public and quickly rose to $8 billion in market cap. And today, Groupon, the hailed “group shopping” platform, announced it has filed for IPO. The news was much more... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2011 at Ustrategy
A Survey Finds Social Media Drains Productivity…but Does It Really?
We always look here for new data on the use of social technologies and how they translate to experiences. This week, our curiously was piqued when a number of publications including CIO Insight and Morning Star cited survey results that... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2011 at Ustrategy
Keys to Using Social Media in Commercial Realestate
Last week I was interviewed by Lubetkin Communications for the National Association of Realtors' Commercial Intelligence Broadcast series. When I was first invited to speak to the NAR, I emphaized the point that real Estate is not a Ustrategy's niche... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2011 at Ustrategy
The Email Data Security Breach Debacle: 5 Ways Companies can Use the Situation to Their Advantage
If you ever bought something online, chances are, your email is in that provider’s database: Maybe it was a wedding gift from or a special delivery from 1-800 flowers. Most certainly, you provided your email address when you registered... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2011 at Ustrategy
10 Ways Social Media will Change in 2011
This article was originally published on ReadWriteWeb. You can also download the PDF from our website. With more than 550 million people on Facebook, 65 million tweets posted on twitter each day, and 2 billion video views each day on... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at Ustrategy
Ustrategy Releases Much Anticipated Forecast for 2011 Social Media Trends
Today, we published our social media trends forecast for 2011. When we published our first forecast in 2008, social media was still in its infancy. Often people would ask us, half smiling, if social media isn’t just a fad that’s... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2010 at Ustrategy
No Tweeting at Bill Clinton’s Keynote? Try again. A Lesson in the Economies of Control
Dreamforce—the celebrated Cloud Computing annual event—drummed up some buzz earlier this week when announced, via its PR agency, that no tweeting and blogging will be allowed during President Bill Clinton’s keynote address at the event. In a matter... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2010 at Ustrategy
New Update: Hootsuite Strips Down User Accounts; Only Pro Users Can Opt Out of Promoted Tweets
We first discussed Hootsuite’s new account models and forced advertisement here and updated the post here. Since then, Hootsuite users who hadn’t been yet rolled over to the new model, reported some confusion about what they can and cannot do... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2010 at Ustrategy
Adaptive Path on Streaming Video--5 Basic Viewer Needs
Adaptive Path is known for their focus on creating highly user-centric experiences through the application of Design Thinking methodology. Today, Peter Merholz, President and co-founder of Adaptive Path, is sharing findings from recent work the company has done in the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at Ustrategy
HULU CEO Jason Kilar on the Future of TV Advertising Online
Jason Kilar, CEO of Hulu is presenting Hulu’s perspective on the future of TV viewing online at GigaOm’s NewTeeVee Live 2010. The company, only 3 years ago the company was referred to as “dead on arrival,” will be making 240... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at Ustrategy
Update: You Can now Opt Out of Those Pesky Hootsuite Promoted Tweets
After much discussion about Hootsuite’s Promoted Tweets, a few of our readers discovered users of the free Hootsuite version can now opt out of promoted tweets. Makes sense, given the SPAM act requirements for other, possibly-unwanted, communication. How to get... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2010 at Ustrategy
Kimmo, Carol--
It is an interesting point about our tolerance to ads. We've become oblivious to billboards even though they take up much bigger space than anything on the computer. Banner ads are in the same pile. There's also greater tolerance to ads on public domains, such as Carol's website, the Wall Street Journal online or even Facebook. The issue of ads intensifies due to two factors: 1) when ads are forced on what is perceived by people as "private" (right or wrong) and 2) When ads are forced into paid experiences. Tivo made a business out of helping people get rid of ads. They tapped into the psychology of "I paid for it, I should have a say."
I believe that people's tolerance of promoted tweets (that threshold) will be greatly influenced by their perception of privacy. If they invested in creating a twitter presence, conversations, and relationships with their community--they will consider Hootsuite ads more intrusive. If they see Hootsuite as more of a public domain (and perhaps spend most of their time browsing for others' tweets rather than post as much) they may feel it is less intrusive.
In the end--I too am curious to see how things will unfold. Most likely, Hootsuite will figure out the max threshold and cap the ads there. We'll need to see if that's sufficient as a revenue stream generator. My guess is they'll need to find other ways to make money.
Thanks again for the conversation!
Promoted Tweets: Why Hootsuite Has More to Lose and Why Twitter (Probably) Doesn't Care
If you’re using Hootsuite as your twitter management tool, you may have been wondering about the yellow “promoted by” button showing on some tweets. This is the lovechild of Twitter and Hootsuite in an attempt to grow both companies’ revenue family. Currently, the only way to disable the yello...
Hi Kimmo,
Thank you for sharing from your experience and expressing some counter points. It is true that the ads are clearly marked and, it's interesting to find that you've found some of these useful! I think that's great.
In my perspective, with over 2000 followers on Twitter, the ads are becoming more visible. And, from information processing perspective I can guarantee that it *will* become more cognitively tasking to filter through what's good content and what's not, once Hootsuite increases the rate of ads showing (and they will, if they really want to make money). This will result in subtle annoyance associated with the Hootsuite brand--not a good thing. There are many creative business models to draw from, or at least, Hootsuite should let users Opt Out (just like the SPAM Act requires in email newsletters).
Thanks for a good argument. Always appreciate the conversation!
Promoted Tweets: Why Hootsuite Has More to Lose and Why Twitter (Probably) Doesn't Care
If you’re using Hootsuite as your twitter management tool, you may have been wondering about the yellow “promoted by” button showing on some tweets. This is the lovechild of Twitter and Hootsuite in an attempt to grow both companies’ revenue family. Currently, the only way to disable the yello...
Promoted Tweets: Why Hootsuite Has More to Lose and Why Twitter (Probably) Doesn't Care
If you’re using Hootsuite as your twitter management tool, you may have been wondering about the yellow “promoted by” button showing on some tweets. This is the lovechild of Twitter and Hootsuite in an attempt to grow both companies’ revenue... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Ustrategy
Facebook is Taking Over the World, One Trend at a Time
After years of waffling, Facebook appears to have discovered the right direction this year. Along with a focus on operational efficiencies and growing Facebook Ads revenue—Facebook has been working hard to enhance its offering across a number of major consumer... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2010 at Ustrategy
Monitoring Social Media: Google, eBay, Klout, and Constant Contact Talk About Tools and Case Studies
Last week, we attended Monitoring Social Media- a conference run by Influence People, a social media event and training company. Among the speakers were Radian6 CEO, and representatives from Seesmic , eBay, and Google. We found Klout and Constant Contact... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2010 at Ustrategy
Finally: Cross-Platform, Cross-Media Seeds Are Showing First Yield
Last year I predicted we’ll be seeing more cross-platform experiences. While we’ve seen significant growth in web-to-product/mobile and product/mobile-to-web interaction, I was looking for a bit more. Today, I discovered what can be considered as first signs that someone out... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2010 at Ustrategy
What the Gap Logo Fiasco Really Means - When Brands Lose the Customer Relationship
In 2008 I wrote about the Gap losing its direction. Two years later, it seems that not much has changed. If you haven’t taken notice, Gap released its new logo last week—a move that resulted in disbelief from thousands of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2010 at Ustrategy
Social Media and Brand Distortion: What can Companies do to Better their Messaging
eMarketer released results of a research which indicate that brands struggle to keep social media content on-message. In the US, the study shows, 76% of company blogs fail to communicate consistent brand message. In comparison, only 45% of brands’ messaging... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2010 at Ustrategy
Mazda Attempts to Recapture Customers with New Facebook Game. But Does it Have Rapping Hamsters?
InsideFacebook reported today about the new Mazda social media campaign—this time using game application within its Facebook profile. The game, called DriverVille (how else), is well designed and utilizes textbook game mechanics including levels, monetary icons (“Driver bucks”), customization features,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 30, 2010 at Ustrategy
Social Media Making Its Way to Higher Ed: Changing the way students and teachers will create, consume, and interact with curricular content
If you are over 30, you probably remember the experience of education involving books, in-class lectures, study groups in the library, and long TA sessions. Today's higher ed is a completely different ball game. From live video lectures by overseas... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2010 at Ustrategy
Live blogging from NewCommForum 2010
Today I'm at NewCommForum down in San Mateo. A best-kept-secret conference that impresses me with the quality of its sessions, conversations, and people. This morning, the session opened with United Breaks Guitars on the screen--a video which has become one... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at Ustrategy
WebProNews Interview: Enterprise Social Media: What to Expect and How to Plan Ahead
In February, I spoke at the Online Marketing Summit. You can read about key takeaways here and download the presentation, or watch this video in which Mike McDonald of WebProNews hits on the key points from the session. Your comments... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2010 at Ustrategy
Social Media, PR, and Business: Horn Group, Google, Altimeter, SAP, and C-Change Weigh In
In November 2008—in the eye of both the economic debacle's and the Social Media tornados—the Horn Group, a leading communications firm headquartered in San Francisco, held an event titled “Is Social Media Killing PR.” As part of the event, an... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2010 at Ustrategy
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