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New England
Loving life aboard
Interests: Sailing, scuba, snorkel, reading, cooking on board, exploring
Recent Activity
Yup, raccoons will get into anything. The ones here get into the trash cans all the time, even if I put bungee cords on them. Stay warm in Florida.
Toggle Commented Dec 3, 2010 on Found, Free, and Fuming Mad! at Sailboat Dog
Sounds like a wonderful thanksgiving. Wish I could have been there. Yellowfin, stone crab,OMG. The stove on my vessel is CNG. Safe but hard to get the further south you travel. So I opted for an alcohol stove as a backup. Actually used it more than the CNG stove. It has two burners and fuel is easy to get. You can buy denatured alcohol at any hardware store. I bought 2 gallons at home depot in Marathon and still have some left. I may be heading to Florida in a few weeks to meet up with a friend who is cruising. He plans to cruise the Bahamas then continue to Puerto Rico. Are you single handing? I do most of the time. It can be hard sometimes on long passages. Can I contact you on your email account? Have a great night, Ray
Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2010 on Round One: Raccoons! at Sailboat Dog
Are you celebrating thanksgiving on the boat?
Toggle Commented Nov 25, 2010 on Round One: Raccoons! at Sailboat Dog
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :)
Toggle Commented Nov 24, 2010 on Round One: Raccoons! at Sailboat Dog
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :)
Toggle Commented Nov 24, 2010 on Round One: Raccoons! at Sailboat Dog
Hi RNGypsy, Just came across your blog. Wondering what type of sailboat you are living aboard. I didn't cruise south this year. Should have though. It's getting cold here in New England. Ray
Toggle Commented Nov 24, 2010 on Round One: Raccoons! at Sailboat Dog
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Nov 24, 2010
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Nov 24, 2010