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New England
Loving life aboard
Interests: Sailing, scuba, snorkel, reading, cooking on board, exploring
Recent Activity
Yup, raccoons will get into anything. The ones here get into the trash cans all the time, even if I put bungee cords on them. Stay warm in Florida.
Found, Free, and Fuming Mad!
Dear Joey and Simon, I heard the car coming up the driveway, and I waited until I could hear the crunch of the man's feet before I started to wiggle and whine. The garbage can teetered a bit, and my voice sounded hollow. I can only imagine what it looked like from outside. I heard the man s...
Sounds like a wonderful thanksgiving. Wish I could have been there. Yellowfin, stone crab,OMG.
The stove on my vessel is CNG. Safe but hard to get the further south you travel. So I opted for an alcohol stove as a backup. Actually used it more than the CNG stove. It has two burners and fuel is easy to get. You can buy denatured alcohol at any hardware store. I bought 2 gallons at home depot in Marathon and still have some left.
I may be heading to Florida in a few weeks to meet up with a friend who is cruising. He plans to cruise the Bahamas then continue to Puerto Rico.
Are you single handing? I do most of the time. It can be hard sometimes on long passages.
Can I contact you on your email account?
Have a great night,
Round One: Raccoons!
Dear Simon, I'm writing this to you, because I know you have found yourself in some embarrassing predicaments. I remember when you were a puppy and you fell down the rainstorm drain. It was freezing outside and sleeting, and they couldn't get you out. The man went about 200 yards down to w...
Are you celebrating thanksgiving on the boat?
Round One: Raccoons!
Dear Simon, I'm writing this to you, because I know you have found yourself in some embarrassing predicaments. I remember when you were a puppy and you fell down the rainstorm drain. It was freezing outside and sleeting, and they couldn't get you out. The man went about 200 yards down to w...
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :)
Round One: Raccoons!
Dear Simon, I'm writing this to you, because I know you have found yourself in some embarrassing predicaments. I remember when you were a puppy and you fell down the rainstorm drain. It was freezing outside and sleeting, and they couldn't get you out. The man went about 200 yards down to w...
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :)
Round One: Raccoons!
Dear Simon, I'm writing this to you, because I know you have found yourself in some embarrassing predicaments. I remember when you were a puppy and you fell down the rainstorm drain. It was freezing outside and sleeting, and they couldn't get you out. The man went about 200 yards down to w...
Hi RNGypsy,
Just came across your blog. Wondering what type of sailboat you are living aboard. I didn't cruise south this year. Should have though. It's getting cold here in New England.
Round One: Raccoons!
Dear Simon, I'm writing this to you, because I know you have found yourself in some embarrassing predicaments. I remember when you were a puppy and you fell down the rainstorm drain. It was freezing outside and sleeting, and they couldn't get you out. The man went about 200 yards down to w...
rayawl is now following RNGypsy03
Nov 24, 2010
rayawl is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 24, 2010
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