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Jonathan Gold
Recent Activity
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: Kin Cheung (Moravian College) With a response from: Mark Siderits (Emeritus, Illinois State University) Please join on us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, March 30th at 6:30 PM for his lecture... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: Catherine Prueitt (George Mason University) With a response from: Andrew Nicholson (Stony Brook University, SUNY) Please join on us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, February 9th at 5:30 PM for her... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: Nicholas Silins (Cornell University) and Susanna Siegel (Harvard University) Please join on us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8th at 5:30 PM for their lecture entitled: The Structure of Episodic... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: Daniel Breyer (Illinois State University) With a response from: Rick Repetti (Kingsborough Community College, CUNY) Please join on us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, NOVEMEBER 3rd at 5:30 PM for his... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: Jake Davis (New York University) With a response from: Katja Vogt (Columbia University) Please join on us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th at 5:30 PM for his lecture entitled:... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: Douglas Duckworth (Temple University) Please join us on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 at 5:30 PM for his lecture entitled, “Truth or Consequences: Implicit Commitments and the Logic of Prāsaṅgika" In the first chapter... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: WARREN FRISINA (Hofstra Universsity) With responses from: BONGRAE SEOK (Alvernia University) Please join us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, MAY 5th at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: “Forming One Body with... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: GARY OSTERTAG (CUNY Graduate Center | Nassau Community College) With responses from: GRAHAM PRIEST (CUNY Graduate Center) Please join us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, MARCH 31st at 5:30PM for his... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: CHRISTOPHER GOWANS (Fordham University) With responses from: BRYAN VAN NORDEN (Vassar College) Please join us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24th at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: "Self-Cultivation Philosophy as... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: MATTHEW KAPSTEIN (University of Chicago | Ecole pratique des hautes études, Paris) With responses from: JAY GARFIELD (Smith College | Harvard Divinity School) Please join us at *COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY FACULTY HOUSE, GARDEN ROOM... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: TONGDONG BAI (Fudan University) With responses from: VIREN MURTHY (University of Wisconsin Madison) Please join us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11th at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: "Pre-Qin Chinese... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: ERIC SCHWITZGEBEL (University of California, Riverside) With responses from: CHRISTOPHER GOWANS (Fordham University) Please join us at Columbia University's Religion Department on *THURSDAY*, OCTOBER 13th at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: "Death and... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: TAO JIANG (Rutgers University) With responses from: ESKE MØLLGAARD (University of Rhode Island) Please join us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: "Between Philosophy... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: WILLIAM WALDRON (Middlebury College) Please join at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, APRIL 24 in Room 201 at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: “Naïve Realists and Innate Essentialists: Yogācāra Buddhism and Cognitive... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: PIERRE-JULIEN HARTER (University of Chicago Divinity School) With responses from: CHRISTOPHER GOWANS (Fordham University) Please join us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, MAY 8 at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: “Another... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: BRONWYN FINNIGAN (Australian National University) With responses from: NIC BOMMARITO (New York University) Please join at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, APRIL 10th at 5:30PM for her lecture entitled: “Should we be... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: DAVID ELSTEIN (SUNY New Paltz) With responses from: WARREN FRISINA (Hofstra University) Please join at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, MARCH 27 at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: “The Possibility of a... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: JOSEPH WALSER (Tufts University) With responses from: SANDEEP SREEKUMAR (Baruch College) Please join at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: “Reading Nagarjuna as a Political... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes TIM CONNOLLY (East Stroudsburg University) With responses from SCOTT R. STROUD (University of Texas at Austin) Please join us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 at 5:30PM for his lecture... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: HAGOP SARKISSIAN (Baruch College) Please join us at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: “On Wielding Moral Sway: Influence and Manipulation in Social Networks” Many... Continue reading
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes: JAKE DAVIS (CUNY Graduate Center) With responses from: CHARLES GOODMAN (SUNY Binghamton) Please join at Columbia University's Religion Department on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 at 5:30PM for his lecture entitled: “‘The scope for Wisdom’:... Continue reading
Jonathan Gold has shared their blog Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy
Sep 22, 2013
THE COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY Welcomes ALEX WATSON (Harvard University) With comments by MARK SIDERITS (Seoul National University) Please join us on September 27, 2013 at 5:30pm for his lecture entitled The Self as a Process: Middle Ground Between... Continue reading