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The underwater thing sounds kinda neat. But I hope it still follows Jake and Neytiri. Also I think putting the sequel on another planet might mess it up.
AVATAR Sequel and Details Confirmed
After muttering about how an AVATAR franchise would make sense and hinting that there could be a trilogy of AVATAR films, James Cameron has confirmed that there will be an AVATAR sequel, fueling speculation about how it might top the original. Things we do know: There are two planned sequels ...
Tyler added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 6, 2010
thanks Pasow and stardog that makes some sense
Could Jake mate? I mean why would the army/gov...
Could Jake mate? I mean why would the army/gov make the avatars where they could reproduce?
Could Jake mate? I mean why would the army/gov...
Could Jake mate? I mean why would the army/gov make the avatars where they could reproduce? Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at AVATAR
Tyler is now following AVATAR
Jan 5, 2010
Tyler is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 5, 2010
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