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Museum Audience Insight
Recent Activity
I love the next-to-last picture! Thanks for visiting and sharing!
- Susie
Boys Just Wanna Have Fun!
Update 3/20 - everything seemed too warm so i did some edits... I actually have a lot more to post about this experience, but the bottom line is that we took the boys to the Atlanta History Center today for a hike, some play, and a picnic. Here are the pictures. ...
Museum Audience Insight is now following Lesli Peterson
Feb 21, 2011
Why Museum Snottygrams?
We love our visitors. Really, we do. But sometimes they have counterproductive, hostile, insane, stupid, and sometimes even obnoxious ways of sharing their opinions. We call those "Snottygrams." And this is your opportunity to (anonymously) share them, let off some steam, and even, if you really, really want to, be... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2010 at Museum Snottygrams
Museum Audience Insight is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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