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Berkeley CA
Recent Activity
A fool's errands.
I've always enjoyed running errands and shopping, something I have in common with my late dad. And because I'm a freelancer, I end up taking care of a lot of home-related tasks like arranging for repair people and being home to let them in, or taking the dogs to vet appointments and such. And as I said, it's usually an enjoyable thing. This summer I'm working onsite for a client pretty much full-time during business hours, which restricts my errand-running hours. (And I see that Miss Lucy is way overdue for a nail-trimming visit to the lovely people at Wizard of Paws. Gotta fit that in, maybe next Friday afternoon.) So I feel like I need to be very efficient about errands, and get as many done in one trip as possible. And the pressure is getting to me. My love of driving around town, gettin' stuff done, looking at... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2013 at Becca's Blog
An ofrenda for Dad.
If I were to create a Day of the Dead altar for my dad, it would have some pretty gringo things on it. A commuter mug of coffee, room temperature A portable TV with a football game on Ritz crackers with peanut butter on them A nicely grilled steak, rare in the middle A picture of Dad with one of the family dogs who's passed on, probably Haley. For the rest of the day I'm going to imagine Dad in his den, with all the family dogs of the past 40 years dozing on the floor around him. I wish I could have a picture of that. Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2012 at Becca's Blog
Home, cookin'.
After several days of sophisticated eats in New York City restaurants (and one street-cart hot dog that was really nothing to write home about—and some cruddy convention-center lunches for Jane), dinner tonight is going to be tuna-noodle casserole with crushed potato chips on top. It's mostly the genuine old-school article, with a couple of twists: bottled alfredo pasta sauce instead of canned cream of mushroom soup, and a frozen peas/carrots/corn/green beans medley instead of straight peas. Ordinarily I would shun the bottled alfredo sauce, but I'm on deadline, so I took the shortcut. I was inspired by week-old leftover potato chips and a craving for comfort food brought on by the cold that I picked up somewhere in the big city. I have lots of pictures and lots of experiences to share; I'll aim for getting some posted here late in the week. Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2012 at Becca's Blog
Mostly it feels unreal, but then it doesn't.
This is really not the way I wanted to reanimate my poor, moribund blog. And I don't want to be Debbie Downer. But life—and death—happens, and life's been eventful lately in a way that I wouldn't have chosen. My dad got ill suddenly in early May, and a week later he passed away. I wish that no one I care about would have to experience anything like it. Being with him and the rest of my family during his hospitalization was one of the most difficult things I've ever been through, and incredibly surreal much of the time. At this point daily life has gotten back to more or less normal for me, but then something will bring our loss back into sharp focus. Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2012 at Becca's Blog
I will plan to stop by for a bit early in the afternoon. You, um, inspired me to make the Inspira cowl the first time you showed yours on the blog!
Welcome 2012 with Color!
An open-house knitting gathering at my home in Berkeley! It's been way too long since I've had a party here for my knitting friends (and that means you). I will be setting out my pounds and pounds of Shetland jumperweight odds and ends—create a magic ball or two so you can make something lov...
Here's hoping!
Is the Recession Over?
Pre-construction remediation observed at the corner of Telegraph & Ashby in my neighborhood. Site of a former gas station, this mixed-use project has been stalled since the economy tanked. Sign of a brighter future?
I'm so sorry, Janine. If I can provide any respite care from here, like emergency dog walks, you know I will.
Not Sure What to Say
I hardly know where to start. I wish I were able to pull together a narrative, offer some uplifting ending. But I'm worn down and confused and girding my loins for whatever needs to be done next. My mother is dying. I arrived in Seattle a little over a week ago, intending to help her deal with ...
Thinking good thoughts for your Mom, and I'm sorry you didn't make it to TNNA. I'm extremely guilty of magical thinking about my knitting as well!
UFOs as a Learning Experience
I'm packing to fly up to Seattle tomorrow—due to my mother's health issues, I had to cancel my trip to TNNA in Columbus in order to help out on the family front. Naturally, the issue of trip knitting has arisen, with the complication that I'm not sure how long I'll be away. My current projects d...
Hah! I know that tune!
Folksong for a Knitter
How many times must I make this mistake before I change my ways? And how many stitches must I rip out before I get this right? "Cast on 300 stitches using size 1 needles And join, being careful not to twist"! The problem, my friends, is apparent on my needles, the problem is there for all t...
I think this is a terrific idea. Here in the Bay Area we don't get snow, but when there's a storm some poor reporter has to go 2 hours east and stand next to the highway at Donner Summit and report on the fact that it's snowing, chains are required, and traffic is backed up. Sometimes they send a Bay Arean, and sometimes a stringer from Sacramento has to do it. I do feel sorry for them.
Jorge Needs a Hat
There's a guy on my local newscast I want to tell you about. He's been on WCVB Channel 5 for as long as I have lived in Boston, which if you're keeping track is about as long as the Olsen Twins have been alive. Jorge Quiroga is a true pro, always standing stoic and calm in Boston's less than gen...
Tina's a trouper.
Tina came through her surgery OK yesterday, with only a minor complication to follow up on. She's gradually shaking off the effects of being under general anesthesia, and she is being so good about all the medicines she has to get. (I am terrible at administering eyedrops, though. I'm never sure if I've gotten any in her eye at all.) I think by the end of the weekend she should be back to jumping over the little dogs when they're in her way and pokin' them when they annoy her too much. Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2011 at Becca's Blog
Today's going to be a little scary for us.
Our oldest dog is going in for eye surgery in a couple of hours, so if you could hold a good thought for her and us today, I'd really like that. She's having an ulcer on her cornea repaired to prevent further deterioration of or damage to her eye. I hope the surgery goes fine and she recovers well, and quickly. I don't really want to think about the other possible outcomes. Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2011 at Becca's Blog
Sweater spotted in the wild...
well, sorta. Spotted in the Knitting Today office... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2011 at Becca's Blog
I think I got it a little backwards.
One of the little rules I have for myself is to try to finish two WIPs before I cast on another project—although I ignore the rule often, always for reasons that seem perfectly justified, like the St. Anthony Foundation call for handknit scarves this Christmas. Now that I've finished my second design assignment for Knitting Today, which will be in the May/June issue, I took a short break and then returned to my personal knitting. My top priority has been to finish the vest for Jane's dad that has been in the works for about 15 months. The last thing I had left to do was finish the back, which felt like miles of plain stockinette (Jane's dad is tall). I finished all the pieces, and it's blocking now. So it's close, but not really finished—there are still button bands and armhole ribbing to knit, as well as seaming the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2011 at Becca's Blog
Wanna buy 5 copies for my mother!
Actually, it's not my smiling face, and it's not the Rolling Stone: But it is my design on the cover. (And my smiling face actually is inside the magazine...) I have to confess that I have been haunting my local JoAnn store for most of the week, waiting for the hard copies to arrive, and today I grabbed a handful. And today I've been feeling like this guy: I just finished a submission for the next issue, and I'm ready to start sketching some more designs. Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2011 at Becca's Blog
Magnolias are one of my favorite things about Berkeley. That and dogwood. I haven't seen you in forever, Celia. Maybe we should plan to hang out sometime soon.
In the Garden - January
While many of you are buried in snow, here in Berkeley it's sunny, clear and a chilly 41 degrees. Although it's what we call "cold," we still have some bright spots of color in the garden. Even the roses I pruned in October have produced a few blossoms. There are holdovers from the fall...
Merry Christmas, Celia!
Auspicious and Festive
It has been a busy week, and I'm feeling rather festive. It started with a quiet weekend at the beach. The cottage was just perfect for two. And we stayed warm, despite the rain. Monday, the auspiciousness happened. The longest night of the year. We welcomed the return of the sun and longe...
I thought Gwyneth looked healthy and vital--which is a nice change from pasty and scrawny.
Bits and Bobs
1. A few more inches have found their way onto David's sweater. This is only the back, mind you, with the front and two sleeves left to go, but I LOVE.THIS.FABRIC!!!!! Reminder: It's Father's Grey Peace Fleece sportweight, a most awesome yarn. 2. I can't say the same for the plarn tote bag. H...
100 percent agree.
Dislike (DWTS Spoiler)
Brandy was robbed. End of rant.
One of those aha moments.
I was just catching up on podcasts, and listening to an old Science Friday episode about hominid fossils. I've always been somewhat interested in anthropology, and someday I'd like to have a decent grasp of the scope of human evolution (that is, how long have we actually been here?). It seems like it's a straightforward fact that I should be able to just learn, but it's slippery, and I can't conceptualize it. This podcast actually helped me a bit to put into context all the "x million" and "x-ty thousand years ago" numbers that get attached to Lucy and Artie, and all the other fossil remnants of our ancestors. The guest expert mentioned (casually, as if it were an obvious point) that there have been many hominid species: Neanderthals, homo erectus, australopithecus, and plenty more. First little zing of an aperçu: Oh. Homo sapiens is a species like golden eagles... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2010 at Becca's Blog
I pretty much checked out of this season after Margaret Cho was eliminated. And I missed this Tuesday, so I don't know who went home.
A Rant for Today
Short and not very sweet. Bristol Palin is still on DWTS? Really? Unbelievable. Why, oh why are the judges giving her such good scores? Unf!#@ingbelievable. If she makes it into the finals, I may just have to stop watching. That's how disappointed I am. Rant over. Back to real life and to bed.
Kingbird in the 'burbs.
On today's morning walk with the dogs my ears pricked up when I heard an unfamiliar call. My first assumption was that a neighborhood starling had learned a new call--this wasn't their typical wolf whistle, but it was on their turf. I looked around, and the bird was conveniently in full view at the top of an oak, in full sun. The bird was nearly robin-size, pearly gray, with yellow coming up the sides from its belly; it has a dark eye and pale under its eye, and a shortish, dark bill. (Mind you, I didn't have binoculars and the bird was 25 feet up.) I started thinking about olive-sided flycatcher or something in the same family. After I finished the dog walk I went back with binoculars, but the bird was gone. Based on the field marks, though, it was a Western kingbird--the first one I've seen in my... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2010 at Becca's Blog
Doggy disinfection desired.
I'm tempted to slip a little hydrogen peroxide into the dogs' water bowl because of something Ethel did on our walk this morning. She disappeared into some bushes completely when my back was turned and didn't respond to calls or whistles. Really, I was standing right in front of these bushes looking, and I couldn't see her. When I was good and panicked about spending the day searching for a lost dog she emerged from the bushes--with poop, probably human, on her lips. So she just lost all off-leash privileges, and I dislike homeless people just a little bit more. Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2010 at Becca's Blog
Congratulations, Janine! What an exciting adventure! The kids at Computer Courage are great.
My Website Is Live!
Here's what you will see if you go to I'm so pleased to announce that my on-line shop is now open! I hope you like it--I thought of all the information I would have liked to have found on websites when I became obsessed with stranded colorwork. And then I tried to put i...
Upcycling for the pups.
This is the first sweater I ever knit (in Pingouin no. 55—from 1985?—and yes, I still have the pattern book. There are classics in there, I tell you). I'm guessing that the family photo below, in which I am modeling the sweater and my prized Wayfarers, is from 1987 or 1988. I wore the sweater to pieces—long past the time it should have been retired, but I'm sentimentally attached. Recently I wondered whether I could recycle it into a cardigan by felting it and cutting up the front. So I painstakingly darned the moth holes and resewed some weak seams and then felted it (with scraps of the original, 25-year-old yarn). But goshdarnit, the fundamentally boxy shape and massive batwing sleeves hadn't changed. It wasn't magically transformed into a better-looking garment by a fuzzier texture and some shrinkage. So it got tossed on my pile of WIPs, to be dealt... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2010 at Becca's Blog
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