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I am Senior Pastor of the Hollywood Seventh-day Adventist Church and Director of the re-church network.
Interests: golf, triathlon, cooking, reading, writing
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Well, John, I've heard these talking points before, almost verbatim, so the argument is definitely not new to me. If you actually watched the video you would see that we did ask a variety of Jews, including one Orthodox Rabbi, and they agree without hesitation that social justice is central to their Jewish faith. In fact, non of the Jews we talked to could envision their faith without talking about social justice. So this "Nazi" scare tactic isn't going to work.
While I appreciate you offering your definition of social justice, I take my cues from Jesus and the Hebrew prophets. You might want to try reading your Bible again with different lenses. I recommend reading the Bible in community with the poor and those who have been cast aside by society. I think you'll find it sounds a lot different than what you're used to.
Grace & Peace,
Faith for Justice
Today we launched our new PSA called Faith for Justice. This is a follow up piece to our first PSA, I'm a Social Justice Christian and broadens the issue to an interfaith conversation about the centrality of justice to our respective faiths. Please watch the PSA, visit our website -
Brian McLaren posted a video response to our PSA within a couple of hours of its release. You can see it here:
I'm a social justice Christian
Below is a Public Service Announcement that I've been working on for the past two weeks, produced by the film production venture I co-founded, called New Name Pictures. It's entitled "I'm a social justice Christian. Please watch it here and spread the word! Also, to see other resources associate...
Ryan Bell is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I'm also sharing your blog with my friend, Kori. She organizes our environmental and food justice initiatives in Hollywood.
Wendell Berry: Gardening as Health Regimen and Holy Sacrament
When it comes to crusading for sustainability and the environment I don't have any grand schemes. Maybe because I'm rather simple minded, I have a simple plan - start a vegetable garden, grow your own food and change the world. If I could impose my will on every American for the sake of the e...
Great stuff, Craig! You'd appreciate that our church just started doing some urban gardening and hope to turn a part of our church parking lot into a garden. How's that for a sign of the kingdom? Replacing blacktop with a garden in Los Angeles.
Wendell Berry: Gardening as Health Regimen and Holy Sacrament
When it comes to crusading for sustainability and the environment I don't have any grand schemes. Maybe because I'm rather simple minded, I have a simple plan - start a vegetable garden, grow your own food and change the world. If I could impose my will on every American for the sake of the e...
Thank YOU, Kirsten! I wish more pastors had people like you in their lives.
Depression in pastoral ministry
Yesterday’s USA Today carried the disturbing story of a 42-year old pastor in North Carolina who committed suicide. I was deeply moved as I read about this young man who had apparently come to the end of his hope and, in complete despair, took his own life. Suicide is rare among pastors, the arti...
That's all the coverage we got from the LA Times. But we did get TV coverage which I haven't seen.
LA Voice on the cover of the LA Times
Thanks for sharing your struggle. I've been wrestling with what you've written here since you posted it. I haven't responded because it has taken me a while to know what to say. Even now, I know that there is no simple answer.
I have faced similar challenges in churches and in other areas of life. True human relationality takes two parties. I have experiened exactly what you describe. You do your best to take a Christlike attitude with someone or a group of people and they reveal the worst in their intentions. It's the old "give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves" argument. I think there is a lot of merit to this.
We don't usually need to cut people down. If they are on the wrong path they will probably self-destruct. For me and my congregation, what has been important is sticking to a PROCESS. In discernment and especially conflict resolution we have a fairly straightforward process that includes openness, listening to the other, not responding in anger and not bullying others. Usually when that process is made clear people participate in a healthy conversation toward some kind of resolution, or they opt out of the process. Most bullies will not stand an open, inclusive process.
I think we can also stand on the principles of love and grace. If you are trying to relate in love and the other parties are lashing out in anger and violence, then I'd say the situation is working itself out. Sometimes some loss must be sustained by an congregation in order to move past it's brokenness into a new future.
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Fear, Freedom and the Problem with Certainty
Cross-posted at the Spectrum Blog. I am increasingly aware that behind so many of the debates that happen on this blog (and most others) and behind most of the theological and administrative hand-wringing that is, I guess, an irreducible part of Adventist life, is fear. Fear of the other, fea...
BC: I know, right? That would've been *awesome!*
The new Fire Station 82 breaks ground
A photo essay This morning I walked across the street to join the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Fire Station 82. For the past 8 years the LAFD have been trying to locate and build this station. They finally settled on the lot across Van Ness from our church a year or so ago. There has bee...
No, I don't think it would be any worse than if you dropped any other battery operated device in the tub. All the documents and ebooks you buy from Amazon are archived on your account on Other documents you load onto are presumably backed up on your computer HD.
In defense of my Kindle
I received my replacement Kindle yesterday. All the inconveniences with this new bit of technologies have reduced my unbridled enthusiasm. First, it ran out of batteries while I was waiting for my return flight home last week, which meant I couldn't finish the novel I was reading (frustrating!...
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