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Red JaK
Bristow VA
Recent Activity
I am a HUGE fan of Acquisitions Inc. Their addition of Aeofel and thus Mr. Wheaton delighted me to now end. I am saddened by this news especially since I haven't listened to the podcasts yet, but that's my own dumb fault. Your adventures have fallen upon my ears like a sirens song and I desperately am trying to find a 4th ed game to get involved in. What I would really love is to join in a session with Acq. Inc. though I'm certain I'm not the only one and thus likely the sessions are sequestered. I did have a thought that you and the boys should consider and that's maybe either a contest or auction where the proceeds benefit Child's Play? That would be EPIC.
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Red JaK is now following Wil
Oct 16, 2009
Red JaK is now following Zachary Quinto
Oct 16, 2009
I love the Tribe comparison. I have been trying to grasp why I have felt such a compulsion to go seek out a D&D group and you have summed it up perfectly for me. I need to go and be with my tribe. Thanks Wil! You've made my day!
1 reply
Happy Birthday Sir! I honor that you boldly go before me! :D
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