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I'm a music-obsessed, diet coke addicted, medical illustrator living with my beloved husband & kitties in SE Michigan. I'm back in school because I seem to love the "torture" that only academia can provide ;)
Interests: Drawing & painting (doing and appreciating), diet coke, going out to see music, trolling around small record stores in the Midwest, tattoes, driving country roads, my new Trek bike (and the husband who bought it for me), reading all manner of books, REM, science, black liquorice, off-beat history, ephemera, Andrew Wyeth, Mark Ryden, Eddie Izzard, genealogy, old anatomy books, British beer, zombie movies, alphabetizing, making lists, Cubs' baseball, Isle of Skye (Scotland), horsies, dark humor...
Recent Activity
redmeg8 has shared their blog Morsels: 3x3" Art Auctions
Jun 5, 2012
redmeg8 has shared their blog Amass: Lists & Collections That Fascinate Me
Jun 5, 2012
redmeg8 has shared their blog my feet on the dash
Jun 5, 2012
redmeg8 added a favorite at Studio Pebbles
Apr 16, 2012
redmeg8 is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hey Leslie! Hooray! Thanks for commenting... I'm going to follow you now as well! And upward!
Ah HA! You were the lone purchaser of book number 5! Thank you SO much!! It's so cool to see that photo of my little book. XD
1 reply
My nephew had trouble with dump truck... it always came out dumb f*ck. Oy! Love your blog, by the way.