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Interests: A dot of free will in a sea of determinism.
Recent Activity
I'm intrigued by the sourdough pancakes, which I've never had despite being a native of San Francisco. I can also heartily recommend the Yeasted Waffle recipe over on Cooks Illustrated. Heaven.
sourdough pancakes
I have had sourdough pancakes only two times, both at a local pancake house, Pig N' Pancake in Newport, and they are incredibly good. I had to try a homemade version. They seemed like way more trouble than they are worth and are very cheap to buy, which often equals (to me) a really fun cookin...
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Mar 15, 2010
Happy birthday Miss Celia! More cake please...Sounds like a perfect day (or two) and best wishes.
Fifty-seven, Baby!
A cashmere robe A pretty necklace Two kinds of cake Some new toys And lots and lots and lots of flowers A girl just loves to be pampered. This is what I want to be when I grow up.
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