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Interests: anything creative and arty.
Recent Activity
Suzanne is now following akashapeace
Jul 20, 2010
Hello Carol, I would just like to say thank you for the most wonderful suprise I received. The photos are just so beautiful and I would like to also say thank you for encouraging me to use film. I just picked up a film I had developed and the photos look so much sharper and crisper and the colours more vibrant. Thank you heaps.
Toggle Commented Sep 16, 2009 on Sunday at akashapeace
Sending laboour vibes your way. Enjoy the WA bush.
Toggle Commented Sep 16, 2009 on here to report i am still officially pregnant at *e*
Hope comments work, my blogging template has changed a bit.
Loved hearing about the trip to Melbourne, glad you both had a wonderful time.
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2009 on Melbourne.. at daydreaming in aqua...
1 reply
Great Pages of your girls. They look so Happy. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.
1 reply
Gina, your album is so beautiful. I wish I could pick it up and flick through it.
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2009 on beachy mini-album at daydreaming in aqua...
1 reply
Gina I love your page. Autumn is such a wonderful season and you have captured it beautifully.
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2009 on 123 Challenge at daydreaming in aqua...
1 reply
Your pages look great Gina. Brooke has just started the twilight series, she loves them and is trying to convince me. Thanks for your kind comments over on The Boxx as well.
1 reply
Wishing you all the best at High School. Brooke got her haircut in a similar style. Have fun with it all.
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2009 on before and after... at daydreaming in aqua...
1 reply
Thank you for the chance of a giveaway, it is very kind of you.
Toggle Commented Jan 30, 2009 on Giveaway #2 at It's all apart of life's pageant
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