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Staten Island, New York *Dream place: Pandora*
A person who loves adventure.
Interests: spending time with friends, parkour, ice skating, swimming, traveling, video games, magic tricks, watching movies., free running, football with other recreational sports
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Wow. That is just AWESOME!
Toggle Commented Nov 10, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
Oh wow. I gotta find me some cool Avatar apparel :D
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
Hi there!
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
I want to ask, where did you order that? Is it a shirt? I'm interested :D
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
Spirit added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 31, 2011
And now we wait :)
Toggle Commented Jan 30, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
Haha. Oh you guys :D
I'm doing very well ma tsmuke :D Just trying to register for classes for the Spring semester. So do you guys think you'll be at the opening premiere of the sequel? :D
Post Idea: Well I've heard that the next sequel will be released sometime in 2014. I've also heard that the sequel will be of a different name entirely instead of something like 'Avatar 2.' Which would be a little confusing... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2011 at AVATAR
There seems to be an error in the Matrix.
Toggle Commented Jan 30, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
Agreed :)
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
Spirit is now following Jessica Freidrich
Jan 19, 2011
You know, sometimes I think Cameron should just leave this film alone just for the fact that there is a possibly chance that a sequel might ruin that magic (like most of the times it does for most movies) that was first conceived. But then again...Cameron did say he was planning a trilogy if Avatar became successful. I never cared for any sequels that were made for any movies and if they sucked or not (Not even for Star Wars). But if the sequel to Avatar doesn't do to well, I would be disappointed :/
Screenwriting? That's awesome! Avatar actually motivated me to take filmmaking courses. I mean, I love movies, but Avatar was that final "push" to make me do what I always dreamed of. I'm glad you saw, I guess inspiration from this film.
Slap some Avatar decals on that thing and it will be all good!
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
Well nothing is perfect, but Avatar is damn close. Going to be hard to top with a sequel coming. But I sure hope it's as good if not better than the first.
Who's watching the Golden Globes right now!? QOTD: I actually forgot what Avatar won at the Golden Globes. But if it didn't win everything, then it should have won everything :D Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2011 at AVATAR
Lol. Trolls are funny creatures. But unintelligent nonetheless and possess a low self-esteem. I was pretty busy lately and still am with college that's why I haven't been on here in a while. But it's nice seeing you guys!
Didn't you collect everything already? Lol.
Just have to wait about 3 more years for citizens like us to view Cameron's sequel to his highest grossing film currently :D But that is one big camera!
Toggle Commented Jan 16, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
James Cameron is only an executive producer who has nothing to do with the film itself, the creative process, the directing or anything. But yet they have to mention Cameron and his highest grossing film next to his name lol.
Toggle Commented Jan 16, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
Spirit added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 8, 2011
That is really awesome! Must be time consuming.
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
Hey Steve, long time. I interpret the phrase "I see you" as a way of literally seeing what one person has become usually for the better and you acknowledging it by saying "I see you". For example, Jake was able to see what he was sent in to do was wrong and Neytiri saw the change.
Go IGGY! As for me, the way I like to show the world that I'm an Avatar fan is just by saying that Avatar is my favorite movie of all time and also the fact that I've seen it more than 10 times in theaters.
Toggle Commented Dec 31, 2010 on Ultimate AVATAR Fans at Avatar Blog