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message 3/13/2013 6:36:58 AM Ghea Doang Posted via email from Step Aside! It's Ghea's! Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2013 at gheadoang's blog
message , ___ Posted via email from Step Aside! It's Ghea's! Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2013 at gheadoang's blog
Cuma Ganti 1 Angka
Apaan pula yang mesti dirayakan. Tahun baruan ngedekem di kamar sama buku-buku. Lagi UAS kan ceritanya. Itu sudah 2 minggu yang lalu ternyata. Yah. Walaupun begitu ya rayakan saja. 2011 memang tahun yang manis. Kuliah tingkat 2 memang saat-saat yang bakal paling dikangenin. Sama seperti tahun ke 2 SMA. Tanyakan saja pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir (atau yang belum lulus-lulus). Mereka pasti bilang, tingkat 2 itu bener-bener unforgettable moment swith unforgettable friends. Tingkat 2 adalah masa sebelum nanti masing-masing menjadi semakin individualis dan memisahkan diri dari kelompok-kelompoknya. Bukan karena keinginan sendiri. Sepertinya sih hukum alam yang ngatur. Sedih juga. Sedapat mungkin... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2012 at gheadoang's blog
Cuma Ganti 1 Angka
Apaan pula yang mesti dirayakan. Tahun baruan ngedekem di kamar sama buku-buku. Lagi UAS kan ceritanya. Itu sudah 2 minggu yang lalu ternyata. Yah. Walaupun begitu ya rayakan saja. 2011 memang tahun yang manis. Kuliah tingkat 2 memang saat-saat yang bakal paling dikangenin. Sama seperti tahun ke 2 SMA. Tanyakan saja pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir (atau yang belum lulus-lulus). Mereka pasti bilang, tingkat 2 itu bener-bener unforgettable moment swith unforgettable friends. Tingkat 2 adalah masa sebelum nanti masing-masing menjadi semakin individualis dan memisahkan diri dari kelompok-kelompoknya. Bukan karena keinginan sendiri. Sepertinya sih hukum alam yang ngatur. Sedih juga. Sedapat mungkin... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2012 at gheadoang's blog
Hey there
Are you okay? Posted via email from Step Aside! It's Ghea's! Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2011 at gheadoang's blog
Dear me..
Terlalu. Minggu-minggu ini rasanya terlalu malas untuk melakukan segala sesuatu, khususnya belajar dan ngerjain tugas. Bener-bener deh mualesnya to the max banget. Kalo bisa tiap ke kampus pengennya melakukan hal-hal selain duduk-diam-dengerin-dosen di kelas, seperti.. ngobrol, tidur, berfoto-foto, berorganisasi dan sibuk kepanitiaan. Buka buku doang pun rasanya berat setengah mamfus.. eits kayak bawa buku aja lo ke kelas.. (nah kan, kalo bisa semua kelas dibatalin aja gimana?) Dasar mahasiswa tak tahu diuntung! Dasar manusia gak pernah bersyukur! Many people are willing to die just to live in your shoes. Dear me, Can't you just be grateful huh? PS: Saking malesnya... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2011 at gheadoang's blog
Napas Bentar
"Breathe. If you feel stressed out and overwhelmed, breathe. It will calm you and release the tensions. If you are worried about something coming up, or caught up in something that already happened, breathe. It will bring you back to the present." I AM now breathing! besok libur dan baru ada uas lagi hari senin minggu depan yay! what a break finally. tenaga dan otak gue berasa diforsir banget. hidup perkuliahan memang kejam. untung aja ga ngebosenin. gimana bisa bosen, pelajarannya menantang semua gitu (baca: susah semua -_-). Kabar uas gue? hmm tidak ada yang perlu diceritakan lebih lanjut... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Please God, Help Her
I knew there’s new message on my phone, but I was on angkot, so I let it alone. When my parents picked me up, I’m still in shock. They asked me about my day, what did I do, how’s the hockey, have I eat, blabla something like that, I knew my voice was shaking so I answer them shortly. afraid of tears that almost falling down. I really need to think anything else instead of that message. When I got home, I went to my room and locked the door. I can’t help crying. Why must her? Why You choose... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Getting Rid Of Bad Habits
Shock kemaren liat blog gue pageviewnya buanyak amat. Something wrong ini pasti. Ternyata oh ternyata link blog guee ada di wall fbnya opkfeui -__-" shock dan maluu tudemaks. Berasa pengen ganti blog langsung tapi ga mungkin, soalnya blog gue yg posterous ini rada-rada punya kekuatan magis, beberapa keinginan dan mimpi gue jadi kenyataan gitu setelah ditulis disini hiahaha. Semoga makin banyak ditulisin makin banyak yang terkabul hehe, amiin ya Allah. Wisudaan kakak-kakak senior kemaren istimewa sekali, soalnya selain kita (akhirnya) paduan suara beneran, ini pertama kalinya maba pake jaket almamater! Tetep bangga dong walaupun pas nyanyi sempet mangap-mangap doang gara-gara... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
OPK Asik
Banyak sekalee yang mau diceritain. Hmm mulai dari mana dah.. Dua minggu ini berasa ospek melulu. Padahal ospeknya sendiri cuma 2 hari buat yg universitas, 2 hari orientasi belajar, dan 2 hari buat ospek fakultas. Tugasnya itu lhoo, ampun banyaknya. Yang paling ribet ngerjain nametag! harusnya bikin bareng-bareng kan bisa cepet ya, tapi berasa ga selese2 entah kenapa. See and download the full gallery on posteroustugas-tugas inilah yang bikin anak-anak fe stress, mulai dari makalah, nametag, sampe essay yang bejibun dan mesti ditulis tangan haha lumayan gempor, tapi untung gue udah dicicil dari awal. Ada beberapa temen gue yang ga... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Help Me Out Of This House!
Gue ga nonton bola semalem. Padahal gue udah niat bakalan nonton world cup minimal awalnya sama akhirnya. Ya mau gimana, dikeluarga gue kaga ada yang demen bola, masa gue jam setengah 2 nyetel tipi teriak2 heboh sendiri? Males bet, udah gitu gariiing kali. Sebenernya gue pengen deh liat Iker Casillas sama Torres huhu. Eh iya gue diajakin nobar masa sama cippa di blitz moi, lah gila ini pasti ga boleh lah ini. Terus si arin dkk juga ngajakin nobar dirumahnya sekalian nginep. Apa kata emak gue? ngapain, ga ada barokahnya, ga ada hikmahnya! bla bla bla. Ini cuma nonton ya,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Toy Story 3, Knight and Day, The A-Team
I wanna talk about film! There are so many good movie for this holiday, and I've just seen some of it. Toy Story 3!! Aaaahhh I love this film since the first one. Gue punya game komputernya lho. dulu sering banget mainin yang disney's toy story 2 interactive. Itu seru parah, kita bisa main game board sama si bullseye, nyebrangin traffic cone sama buzz, bahkan bisa bikin komik sendiri! Dulu jg punya game yg dri film pertama, cuma agak creepy, gue takut mampus karena ada karakter bayi tapi kakinya mainan laba2. Oh iye jadi film yang ke 3 ini bagus... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Beach Beacchh Pleeaassee!
Do you think it's fun to be in the city like this? At first, getting out from your home seems to be a good idea. Later you realised, it's not that fun. I want to go to a beach! any beach! Not being trapped in the crowd city like this. KL is good. Way better than Jakarta in.. almost everything (?) maybe. but it's too crowded, especially KLCC, loooooootttss of tourist shopping in here, and what kind of holiday jumping from mall to mall by LRT and monorail? without maps?? (yeah the first day, we did a journey around the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Liburan Kapan Bermutu?
Menggelar bioskop dadakan tiap sore di ruang tv, playing nintendo, downloading piano sheets from internet, facebook-ing, tumblr-ing, badminton-ing, learning new songs, reading pile of books. Thinking, daydreaming. Whatta HOLYday. I finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns, it almost made me cry, almost.. also Ways to Live Forever, a simply written story about death. aannd Rich Dad Poor Dad, interesting financial-matter that I never bored to re-read it. Now is currently reading Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery and Conspiracy of the Rich. same author from the Rich Dad Poor Dad. Well seharusnya gue bisa lebih produktif saat liburan. Tapi malaaaaass... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Selamat SNMPTN Teman-Teman!
Today Is the DAY!! Hari ini dan besok adalah hari yang bener-bener nentuin jalan elo banget. Tapi ga perlu takut :) "Achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you." -Helen Hayes Segala yang sudah kalian perjuangkan, otak yang kalian kuras, materi yang kalian hapalkan, segala bentuk les dan tambahan yang kalian jalani, lelah dan jenuh yang kalian rasakan, sholat yang kalian kerjakan, dan doa yang kalian lantunkan, pasti semua akan dibalas oleh Allah. Sekarang tinggal mengerjakan sebaik-baiknya. "Do your best and Allah the rest." Sering ya gue ngomong ini?... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
We’re graduating, and we know Our lives will be different and new; We’re going out into the world, Our goals and dreams to pursue. But one thing will never, ever change, As we go our separate ways; The friends we’ve made in school will be Our friends for all our days. The special ties and attachments we’ve made, These bonds will never be broken; We’ll continue to feel that special bond, Though words may not be spoken. So it’s not "goodbye," but rather "farewell;" I’ll see you again, my friend. Your friendship means a lot to me, And it will... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Juicy News!
Really grateful for this news, yapp I'm accepted at brawijaya university, management. Well, it's management! Just like what I always wanted! The first thing I did: called my mom (that still hospitalized in mitra). then called my dad, he reminded me to perform a grateful prayer (i mean, sujud sukyur.. bahasa inggrisnya apa yak). Rasanya lega gimanaa gitu, like satisfying your thirst with a glass of strawberry juice, and suddenly I had my mind all freshened. Tapi gue enggak bisa terlalu bersenang ria. Temen-temen gue banyak yang belom keterima.. Gue lebih suka sukses bersama daripada sukses tapi sendirian. Guys, I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Where Everything Is music
Don’t worry about saving these songs! And if one of our instruments breaks, it doesn’t matter. We have fallen into the place where everything is music. The strumming and the flute notes rise into the atmosphere, and even if the whole world’s harp should burn up, there will still be hidden instruments playing. So the candle flickers and goes out, We have a piece of flint, and a spark. This singing art is sea foam. The graceful movements come from a pearl somewhere on the ocean floor. Poems reach up like spindrift and the edge of driftwood along the beach,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Where Everything Is music
Don’t worry about saving these songs! And if one of our instruments breaks, it doesn’t matter. We have fallen into the place where everything is music. The strumming and the flute notes rise into the atmosphere, and even if the whole world’s harp should burn up, there will still be hidden instruments playing. So the candle flickers and goes out, We have a piece of flint, and a spark. This singing art is sea foam. The graceful movements come from a pearl somewhere on the ocean floor. Poems reach up like spindrift and the edge of driftwood along the beach,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Ujian Praktek! (apa Praktik sih?)
Hellooooooo it's been a busy week, and I'm truly a blogcrastinator. So much things I wanna tell, but couldn't get my fingers to write them haha. Let's talkin about simak ui! Well.. I think that one wasn't going too well. The test was like pain in the arse. I can only answer 2 numbers on basic math, and you know there is this smart guy who did 14 numbers! how could he?? guess I have to study hard more. I mean study REALLY REALLY hard. Mungkin minggu ini adalah minggu yang super susah dan super sibuk dikarenakan ada ujian praktek,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or in the red fire of a long winter's evening. Some of us let these great dreams die, but others nourish and protect them; nurse them through bad days till they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams will come true. Posted via email from This is Just A Test! Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Hello, Do I Know You?
I don't want to remember any of it. But someone has just reminded me in the middle of night, about this matter. I swear if you dont mention you miss that person. I would never say that word. I would never say that i miss her too. Because i forgot. Not because it's been many years. I just forgot i ever had a friend like her. I dont remember we ever have fun together. What i see now is, a totally different person. Just an ordinary person you can meet everywhere. So i can't really miss her. Am i too... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Rabbits For Satay!
Oh-man. Perkembangan tryout simak yang dulu sama yang sekarang? sepertinya kaga ada perubahan. Still, gak bisa ngerjain aaaaaaaaaaaarrghh. And and now.. I've been searching this all around the house: Kartul. Where on earth is my kartul?????!! When I checked my computer, I can't find the file T___T I'm ruined! I'm dead. dead. Oh-soo.. can I scream right now? or should i cry? or what? what? oh-i forgot. already done both. *** lupakan deh. mending nulis tentang yang lain. Oh-kay. Tidak semua guru bp itu asik. Ada satu yang kaga. Yaitu guru ekonominya! ohhhhhh-myy. KA-KU!! Gue terbengong-bengong ketika pertama kali dia... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
No School Aje
Boring you know. Today's school is totally boring. Many of my friends skipped school and I think I'm not going there for tomorrow. Why don't we get a free week huh? Just give us the stuff we need to study and we'll copy them all then we'll read it on holiday. Sounds effective to me. I just don't want to waste my time. mmm how much do I have? Less than two weeks, for simak ui. aaaaaarrrrggghh. Gue pengen bimbel bimbel dan bimbel. Apa aja yang penting belajar buat simak. Urusan sekolah mah hadeehh ga tau lah. Nyusahin ajeee yaak.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
Earth Hour in A Bad day
Pagi2 gue lari pagi keliling lapangan, sendirian! bokap nyokap sama adek gue masih molor soalnya. Ya kaga sendirian juga sih. Di lapangan banyak orang yg olah raga juga -.- Setelah itu gue mandi siap2 ke sekolah buat bta. Apa yg terjadi pas sampe di sekolah?? TERNYATA BTA LIBUURR?? DAMN!!! Simak ui tinggal 2 minggu lagi masih pake acara libur segala?! I'm freakin out okay? Mana gue ingetnya bokap gue ga bawa hp, guenya jg ga ada pulsa. jadilah akhirnya jalan kaki ke depan kemang dan trus naik angkot. Sampe dirumah gue dikasi tau trnyata bokap gue blom pulang, dan masih... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2010 at gheadoang's blog
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