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FIU FPL is now following Pete Pelegrin
Sep 19, 2010
No 3 games will be loses...very close, but loses. that's what makes the rutgers loss so upsetting. We should have won it and then had 3 moral victories. Now its just going to be 4 loses.
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2010 on FIU vs. Rutgers - LIVE BLOG at FIU Panthers Prowl
Chia is open to everyone
FIU FPL added a favorite at FIU Panthers Prowl
Sep 4, 2010
Pete, I second the reduced Rutgers prices. I was originally going to host a Tailgate for 15 people - 5 of which are FIU students. However, none of my non-FIU friends are willing to pay $40 for tickets... so I had to cancel the Tailgate (too much effort for 5 people). If the Rutgers prices were reduced to $20, alot of us could bring non-FIU friends at those prices. By the way, I own 2 season tickets so this is not for my own sake!!
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2010 on 2010 Preview: Defensive Line at FIU Panthers Prowl
Pete .... you never said what Ur season predictions are
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2010 on Panther Power at FIU Panthers Prowl
Pete - What happened to Wayne Times, wasn't he supposed to be as fast as TY or am I confusing him with someone else? Also as has been mentioned, finding out how to comment was a NIGHTMARE! Please post instructions for the average reader. OR can you make it how you had it in the herald where you can just enter your info directly from the blog without having to sign in?
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2010 on Panther Power at FIU Panthers Prowl
gREat GREAT GREAT POINTS FIUer . The main site is way too busy..... links are better than huge ads. You must , I repeat, YOU MUST advertise the blog on AND USING BANNERS throughout the school.
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2010 on Welcome to The Prowl at FIU Panthers Prowl
Welcome back Pete! Couple of questions: 1.) Considering the Oline last year left PM on the floor many times and the running game was lacking, so far from what you have seen would you say a.) The O line is similar to last year, b.) There is minor but noticable improvement, or c.) Major improvemnt so far. 2.) What is the deal with the football team doing a "Walk through" the student /tailgating lot with the band following them. I know this was mentioned years ago but nothing has happened. I think the fans would love to be grilling/tailgating and all of the sudden.. here comes the marching band with the entire football strolling through the parking lot getting pumped up with the fans cheering them on. The important part here is to walk through the Tamiami Park section where the fans/students are! 3.) Whats the deal with the construction of the north side of the stadium?
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2010 on Welcome to The Prowl at FIU Panthers Prowl
FIU FPL is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 25, 2010