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Melbourne, Australia
A work in progress toward being a better disciple.
Interests: music, golf, cooking, movies, blogging, computers
Recent Activity
residentalien is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
no it was at a friends but a great pic
Today's Pic
Toilet Art....
yes it is on the school side
Today's Pic
Trying a new route
can also burn a CD in just over 2 minutes ;)
Hardware Tech
It was time to do an upgrade on the PC after getting a good run out of the box I had built in KL. Now refitted with a core i7 860, new gigabyte P55 mobo and 8Gb G.Skill ripjaws DDR3 1600 RAM. Can even team the dual LAN ports on the MOBO for a 2 Gbps connection. Windows 7 seems to have handled t...
residentalien is now following Zachary Quinto
Nov 15, 2009
have a look at the guessing game on Sigruns blog :)
Unbridled Excitement
The kids figured out the final clue with a jigsaw puzzle last night. Declan is so excited he woke up every hour and was wandering about the house calling to Kirsten. Hard to recall as an adult when you last had such anticipation that you could not contain it. It's going to be awesome to see his ...
common when you get out of the city but only in certain areas, can see them 45 minutes drive from home in the Olinda area
Sigruns Nemesis
Cue the Hitchcock music in fears mind. They are after my bread. Noooooooo
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