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Black Male 60
Interests: news, photography, politics
Recent Activity
Is America the Greatest or Number One Country? Are you kidding!! The very thought that the U.S. is somehow the best or number one country in the world is laughable. This country is high on the list for all the bad things, and low on all the good things. For... Continue reading
Reblogged May 31, 2012 at Black Male Sixty
Is America the Greatest or Number One Country? Are you kidding!! The very thought that the U.S. is somehow the best or number one country in the world is laughable. This country is high on the list for all the bad things, and low on all the good things. For... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2012 at Black Male Sixty
Lies,Lies,and Damn Lies. Or "You Can't handle the Truth". The Republicans are lying through their butts about President Obama's record. They lie about the budget increase under his administration ;they lie about the number of jobs created;they lie about the effect of the stimulus package; they lie about his birthplace;... Continue reading
Reblogged May 25, 2012 at Black Male Sixty
I'm Sorry, but I really Hate Republicans. Have you ever noticed how on news shows or Bill Maher, the republicans always try to dominate the discussion? They are always agressive, argumentative , and frequently nasty and condescending. I think they must go to a special right wing training class to... Continue reading
Reblogged May 25, 2012 at Black Male Sixty
Lies,Lies,and Damn Lies. Or "You Can't handle the Truth". The Republicans are lying through their butts about President Obama's record. They lie about the budget increase under his administration ;they lie about the number of jobs created;they lie about the effect of the stimulus package; they lie about his birthplace;... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2012 at Black Male Sixty
Lies,Lies,and Damn Lies. Or "You Can't handle the Truth". The Republicans are lying through their butts about President Obama's record. They lie about the budget increase under his administration ;they lie about the number of jobs created;they lie about the effect of the stimulus package; they lie about his birthplace;... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2012 at Black Male Sixty
I'm Sorry, but I really Hate Republicans. Have you ever noticed how on news shows or Bill Maher, the republicans always try to dominate the discussion? They are always agressive, argumentative , and frequently nasty and condescending. I think they must go to a special right wing training class to... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2012 at Black Male Sixty
[email protected] is now following Lisa Price
May 20, 2012
[email protected] has shared their blog Black Male Sixty
May 20, 2012
Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Video: Birds drenched in oil « - Blogs This is the result of greed and our addiction to oil, it has to stop. I am heart sick about what's happening in the Gulf . It's too much of a risk to this planet... Continue reading
Reblogged Jun 3, 2010 at Black Male Sixty
I was in Harlem today on business , and was saddened to see so many young men on the streets just hanging out. I was not surprised by it though; there really aren't many jobs available for the unskilled in this country, and increasingly none for the well educated. Last... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2010 at Black Male Sixty
I can't believe that anybody in their right mind would still think that offshore drilling is a good idea.The massive spill in the Gulf should convince the stupidest oil guzzling Republican that the risk to our environment ,animals and coastal economies is too great..But, many of the Republicans are so... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2010 at Black Male Sixty
[email protected] is now following Mark Thoma
May 12, 2010
[email protected] is now following Tim Dierkes
May 12, 2010
I can't help but feel that Black Folk are being left further and further behind the rest of Americans and may never catch up Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2010 at Black Male Sixty
May 12, 2010