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Help Me Rhonda
The Redwoods, Humboldt County, California
I live to eat...
Recent Activity
Some friends and I were enjoying fresh made soft cheese and I wondered out loud what chocolate soft cheese would be like...a chorus of "yummmm" quickly followed and I decided I had to try it. I had in mind to make it with pre-made chocolate milk and hunted around for... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2011 at Forays in Food
Fresh Cultured Cheese If you've never made cheese before, but have been curious to try, I have a recommendation for you - try a culture-ripened fresh cheese. They are soft & spreadable and are adaptable enough to serve plain or adorned with herbs & other flavors. They require minimal gear... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2011 at Forays in Food
My friend Simona introduced me to the idea of making mother or prepared cultures for cheesemaking in small 1-cup batches. Since I'm not making cheese every week, the typical recipe for 1 quart of prepared culture was too much for me. I was never able to use it up while... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2011 at Forays in Food
Nettles are up! So pull on some decent garden gloves, grab some pruners and bring a basket because it is time to harvest wild nettles...yup...stinging nettles. With careful handling (actually lack of handling) and dry steaming you could be enjoying a mild and very nutritious green that grows in abundance... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2011 at Forays in Food
Help Me Rhonda is now following Simona Carini
Mar 23, 2011
As an avid baker of cakes, cookies & bread I go through a lot of butter. Here in Humboldt County, California we are fortunate to have access to good butter, but I'm annoyed at all the packaging. None of it is recyclable. So, I think I found a better way... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2011 at Forays in Food
Help Me Rhonda is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 15, 2010